74 Time to go.

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The next morning I woke early as usual. Every day I would wake before the sun and couldn't find a comfortable position too fall asleep again soo there was no other option then too just wake and start the day. Pulling on my robe I started making breakfast, drinking coffee in between trips from the counter too the stove.

Actually I felt rather wel rested. More then the other days. Some were good but most were bad. I knew this wasn't a cure but like asprin it helpt too ease the pain. I thought too myself with a little smile. Marcia walked in scratching her hair yawning a good morning.  "Good morning." I responded hearing a little bit of cheer in my voice. I handed her her coffee and she eyed me suspiciously. "Sooo..." She sang with a hint off sarcasm. "You got off tonight, didn't you." She asked sounding more off a statement.  Gladly i had my back too her so she couldn't see my head turning beet red. I coughed awkwardly.  "I don't know what your talking about." I shot back a little too quickly. She laughed softly. "The walls aren't sound proved, so, yeah, i heard." She said lightly.  I chocked a little muttering. "Sorry." Feeling a little shame fall over me. Marcia must have noticed as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hè it's oké.  We all do it from time too time. It's nothing too me scared of. It's just a way off coping with things." She tolled me tryng too comfort me.  "It's weird talking about it." I stated looking beside me through my bangs. She shook her head. "Okey. Just be quiet the next time. Oke." She said with a smile holding up her hands. I bit my lip about too tell her I was quiet but kept my mouth shut. I didn't want too talk about this.

After a moment off awkward silence Marcia asked. "Are we doing the equinox or not." She asked grabbing a slice off black bread. It was something that reminded me off him and i ate it on a daily bases. Almost a loaf a day between me and Marcia.  I shrugged. "I Don't know." I awnsered truthfully. She plucked at her bread. "I'm with you either way." She stated sadly. I frowned at her. "What do you want?" I asked trying g too get a feel for what she wanted. She just shrugged. "I don't know either.  As long as i can serve my Luna." She stated shrugging her shoulders. "You don't have too stay, if you don't want too." I suggested.  She shook her head. "No. I want too. Your my friend and after what you've been through i can't leave just like that. Besides i made a promise...." She said but cut herself of. I tilted my head at her. "A promise too who?" I asked curiously. She looked up at me with hesitation in her eyes. After a couple off silent seconds she nods more too herself. As if she desided too tell me. "The Alpha made me promise too protect you. No matter were you are. Too protect you from him if necessary." She confessed. I scrunched my brows. "Hmm." Was all i could say in response. She made a commitment too the Alpha. Knowing her she fully intended on keeping such a promise, even if she had too put her own desires aside too keep that promise.  It was the type off person she is, through and through. Selfless and true to her word. We left it at that continuing on with our daily routine.

It was about three days before the September equinox when my phone rang. The caller ID saying it was Angus. I picked it up. "Hello Angus?" I Asked wondering why he called. Too my surprise it wasn't Angus who was calling. "J.J. where are you!" Anna exclaimed sounding somewhat panicked.  "Anna. Are you alright?" I asked hearing her panic as clear as day.  "Yeah. I'm fine but where are you? When are you coming back? Nobody is telling me. Bart from school said your never coming back. Please tell me he's wrong. You have too come back. Are you?" She rambled out shooting question after question at me. I sat up in my chair. "Anna I'm visiting my brother and I don't know if I'm coming back." I tolled her honestly. "No, no you have too. What about my costume. They are saying there isn't going too be  a ekwanoks festival. We can't have one without you." She rambled still in a panic mode. I smiled silently at the way she said equinox. I took a deep breath thinking about what too do. Right then I heard Angus in the background. "Ann? What are you doing with my phone?" He asked stirnly. I could already imagen her looking up at him with with a pout. "We need J.J. back. You said without her there won't be a play." She responded and i could hear the quiver in her lip.

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