83. Victory

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.Sins someone was dying for an update. 😗😗😗 #rafeenabaksh

Here you go. It's steamy. Just a heads up. 😳😳😳😳😳

83 J.J. POV

My eyes widened in shock as the ecstatic applause from the pack came to an abrupt halt. It was so deadly quiet that even de animal in the Forrest around us seemed to watch us. Form my parifial I saw movement from Angus as he slid something towards Thane. He caught it with ease. My eyes flicked towards the velvet, dark purple box in his hands.

A collective gasp was heard from the pack as everyone waited in anticipation what's to come. My heart skipped a beat or two before Thane spoke. "My sweet Mate. You've been the corner stone for this pack in so many ways it's impossible to name them all. When you came to us you hated me. You had every right by the way I treated you. I curst the Moon for giving me a broken Mate. But I didn't realise I was the one who was broken. You made me see that. I was to afraid to let you in. However your unselfish caring of our pack made me realise I shouldn't have let you go. The light you bring with you has entered my heart. A light I didn't even know I was missing. You gave me the love and caring I didn't think I deserved....."

"That's why I ask if you would do the honor of not only being my Mate, Luna and Love but also to compleet our bond for all the pack to see."

He said with a look of sheer hope in his eyes as he opened the box showing a blooddiamond ring much the same as My pendant. My mouth fell slack from his words. He was usually a man of little words and the words he spoke today where filled with love.

I didnt realisme i was standing there like an idiot with a opened mouth as I heard some murmers around. Thane his eyes shifted to worry as I remained unresponsive. The bond slowly opened up to me. His fears slowly made themselves know to me. Fear of not being worthy, fear I still hated him, fear that after last night I saw him as less as the Alpha he is.

Tears sprung in my eyes. "Yes." I choocked so softly I doubted anybody. Taking a sharp breath I flung myself at him wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulder. "YES." I practical shouted happily. Thane exhaled a breath in relieve. His arms wrapped around my waist and I squealed as he lifted me up still hugging may waist. I looked down at him clutching his shoulders.

He smirked up at me with a honest to Goddess smile. It was rare for him to smile. I couldn't contain my own smile as I leaned in brushing my lips to mine. The crowd erupted into a massive wave of cheer. Our lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. I never thought about the blood coming from the corner of his mouth.

'Don't think this gives you a free pass for what happened. Your not completely atoned.' I reminded him. He smiled ever so lightly into the kiss. 'Yes my Luna.' He whispered back in a dossile tone. We pulled apart and I cupped his cheek. He slowly let me slide down as he held the box in front of me. He pulled out the ring. It looked so much like the pendant and the ring I gave to Jona.

Thane saw me study the shape of the ring. "it was my mother's. Every Luna worn it. I did replace the regular diamond with the same blood diamond as your family's." He explained slipping the ring on my finger. I was feeling unusually high with uforia.

Thane helped me out of the ring and several pack members came forward to congratulate Thane on his victory and our upcoming union.

It's somewhat like getting married. Our kind doesn't have the need to legally marry on the humans law sins seeing mated is the same thing. Some Alpha's and Luna's did go through the process because of territory right and so on.

After all the pleasantries Mike came up to us. "I've asked the doc to take a look at your brow. It has a nasty cut that needs to be attended. He also wanted to check if he needs to reset any broken ribs." He tolled us and I was surprised. I knew he took some serious blows from Magnus but not in the exstand he was that injured. Not to mention he walked around like nothing was wrong. He even kept me snugg in his side that had bruising. I hurt him but he didn't make it known to anyone, not even me.

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