Chapter 20

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[This chapter might be hella boring]

Teresa's pov

I just pulled into the hospital and i ran inside as my purse bounced on my shoulder with every step i took. I can't believe shane would do this to himself. Rapidly i pushed past the revolving doors and i ran into the waiting room to see something awful. Joey just got a shot in his neck and he passed out.

Teresa: What the hell?

I rushed over to the man who was now holding my son and another one who had a needle in his hand. I was sure that my face was steaming red by now.

Teresa: What on earth made you do that?

Man: He was getting violent and he wouldn't listen.

Teresa: That's something you do at an insane asylum, i could sue you for misuse of materials.

The man had a panicked look on his face and on the inside i was kinda terrified, i don't even know if what i said is actually true.

Man: Hey, how about we let him lay in the hospital bed next to shanes?

Teresa: I'm not completley unreasonable and that sounds nice.

Man: Ok, let's go, shane is stable right now and we're hoping he'll stay that way.

I nodded and we walked down the hallway into room 301. Joey was laid in the hospital bed next to shane and kyle (shane's dad) was on his way. Quietly i approached the center of their beds right inbetween them.

Teresa: My poor boys.

I kissed both of their foreheads and i sighed taking a seat on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I'm still debating on whose gonna wake up first.

Shane's pov

I heard a feint beeping quietly playing over and over in my right ear. Consciousness was slowly entering back into my body and i was sore as i got feeling back. My arms ached and i had a slight headache, i then heard my mom and dad's voice as they added to the repeditive beeping.

Dad: Why did he do this?

Mom: I don't know

I used the small bit of stregnth i had to make my eyes flutter and begin to open.

Mom: Oh look, he's waking up.

I opened my eyes and almost shut them again as the bright light entered my vision. I groaned and attempted to stretch but my arms burned from the pull on my skin so i winced in pain. I opened my eyes again and mom and dad stood over me with concern in their eyes.

Mom: How are you feeling sweetie?

Shane: Fucking sore, where's joey?

She pointed to the bed next to me and i instantly started to feel panic rush through my veins. Joey was laying there with his eyes shut and breath slow.

Shane: W-what's wrong with him? Is he alright?!?!?

I tried to get out of bed and even though it hurt like i bitch i couldn't care less. Dad pushed me down gently and i didn't know what was going on.

Dad: Calm down, joey is fine, he just got put to sleep for being too agressive.

I then heard the door open and a man wearing a white coat walked in. He checked my heart monitor and he checked the tubes in my arm.

Doctor: Are you feeling ok?

I grabbed his collar and pulled him down. I clenched my teeth together and i stared into his eyes. Slowly i pointed to joey and spoke through thickly tightened teeth.

Shane: Is. He. Ok?

Doctor: Y-yes he's fine, he's just asleep right now.

I nodded and let him go as he straightened his now messed up coat. Slowly i looked over at joey and i sighed, when will he wake up?

Shane: How long have we been here?

Mom: About six hours.

Shane: Why hasn't he woken up yet?

Mom: He really needed the sleep, he wouldn't sleep those four days he wasn't cuddling with you.

Shane: Wait really? He wouldn't sleep?

Mom: No, i tried everything but he just wanted you.

I sighed and slowly swung my legs over the end of the bed. I slowly pulled the metal pole that contained my IV fluid in it along with me. Slowly i shuffled over to my little sleeping angel. He had bags under his eyes and his skin looked tired. He had his teddy bear clutched in his arms so i'm guessing that dad brought it for him.

Dad: We'll leave you two alone.

They walked out of the room and i sat on the side of joey's bed. I stroked his chest lightly while softly cooing into his ear.

Shane: Joey, wake up baby boy.

I started to sing softly you are my sunshine. This song always seemed to make him happy.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear

How much i love you

So please don't take my sunshine away.

Joey's eyes fluttered open and he saw me, his smile was so wide it looked like it would hurt. He rubbed his neck where they gave him a shot. My poor baby.

Joey: Joey love when s-shane sings.

Shane: I know you do.

Joey: S-shane ok?

Shane: As far as i know yes i am.

Joey: Can joey ask....q-question?

Shane: Of course baby.

Joey: Why s-shane hurt self?

I then looked down at my bandaged arms and i blinked away the tears that wanted to fall down my face. I knew joey was gonna ask that but i still wasn't prepared to answer. He sat up and patted the spot on his bed. I slowly sat down and he started intently at me.

Shane: Joey, i was just stressed, i'm a confused mess since i kissed sawyer. Yes i know i fucked up and i did some terrible things but all of this made me realize that you were the one i wanted to be with. Those four days i was in my room i was thinking of you. Your smile, your hair, your teeth, your personality, EVERYTHING. Joey, you really are my sunshine and i love you so much.

Tears slowly leaked out of his eyes and i gently pulled him to my chest as i let him cry. A tear or two slipped out and we just sat in a rather comfortable silence.

Joey: Shane, j-joey's sunshint...too.

I smiled and kissed his hair gently as if i was trying not to break him. He is just such a fragile person and that's one of the many traits i love about my baby.

Author's note

So sorry if this sucked but i was in a bit of a rush to finish it. But if it didn't suck i hope you liked it. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all bye byeeeeeeee <3

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