Chapter 23

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Shane's pov

I pulled up to school and i got out trying to subtely walk into the building without being noticed. Sadly all my friends surrounded me and they bombarded me with questions.

Lisa: Oh god shane, is joey alright?

Meghan: Where's joey, did you find him?

Luke: Shane is joey ok?

Daniel: Where's joey

Cat: Did you ever find joey?


They all went silent and stared at me with wide eyes. I rubbed my temple and i closed my eyes slightly. Where did this headache come from?

Shane: I'm sorry but my head is killing me. I was up with joey last night because he was sick and yes i obviously found him.

Each of them simultaneously gave a small nod and i walked over to my locker pulling some of my books out. I shoved them in my bookbag and i went to first period. I know that joey was gone but....daniel wasn't here either.

Daniel's pov

I decided to skip class so that i could see joey. I'm still deciding on wether or not to make a move but i'm still not sure. I stopped by a flower shop and i picked a bouquet of tulips. Over a little while i've learned that joey absolutley adores these flowers.

I drove to his house and i lightly knocked on the door. Teresa opened the door and she smiled when she saw me.

Teresa: So you're skipping school today to see joey are you?

Daniel: Possibly.

She smiled and let me inside, this house is so nice.

Teresa: Joey's upstairs.

I nodded and slowly and quietly marched up the stairs. I creaked joey's door open and he was just laying back down out of breath.

Joey: Tummy, so b-bad.

His voice was so hoarse and dry, his body was coated with sweat and he looked pale. Aww my poor little joey. I sat down on his bed and he pressed his head against my leg. Gently i pushed his sweaty hair away from his forehead and i smiled.

Daniel: Are you ok joey?

He shook his head no and he groaned as he rushed to the bathroom throwing up again. After a good five minutes he came back and face planted onto the bed.

Daniel: Joey, you don't need this sweater.

I helped him pull off his shirt and his body was just gorgeous. I had to keep myself from drooling at him, all sweaty and....amazing.

Joey: B-better.

I smiled and handed him the tulips. He weakly smiled and sniffed them as i laid them on his bed side table. His eyes seemed to lighten up.

Joey: T-Thank y-you.

Daniel: You're welcome, now don't speak you'll hurt your throat.

He nodded and slowly drifted off with his face snuggled towards my leg. He shivered in his sudden sleep so i pulled a thin blanket over him.

Daniel: Sleep beautiful baby.

As soon as i was sure he was asleep i leaned closer to his face. Gently i placed my lips onto his and they were so soft and warm. I gently cupped his cheek and for a few seconds i was sure he kissed back. I was sure i saw his eyes flutter but i'm probably imagining things.

Daniel: I love you joey.

Joey began to speek in a sleep enduced slur, he was half awake so i'm not sure if he meant what he said next. The words he said made my heart stop.

Joey: J-Joey, love D-daniel.

He then fell fast asleep and my breath hitched in my throat deeply. I then ran out of the building at the fastest pace. I dashed down the stairs and to my car placing my head on my steering wheel.

Daniel: Joey couldn't have meant that, no he was half awake. There's no way he knew what he was saying.

I quickly pulled from the driveway and i drove back to school, first period should be over by now. This gives me a bit more time to think about what i just did and..what joey just said.

Shane's pov

It was now second period and daniel walked through the main doors with his had looking down towards the ground. I walked towards him and i placed a hand on his shoulder making him jump.

Shane: Woa, calm down dan, what's up?

Daniel: It's n-nothing, don't worry about it.

Shane: Alright, so why did you miss first period?

Daniel: U-um i went home because mom needed me for something.

Shane: Ok that's fine.

He nodded and briskly walked away from me. Although he thought i did, i didn't believe a single fucking word he said. Daniel out of all of us is the worst liar. I feel like whatever daniel is hiding, it's something big.

The day dragged on and it felt endless but THANKFULLY the final bell rang and we aloud to leave this hell that we call school. I walked to my locker and sawyer was leaning against the locker next to mine.

Sawyer: You and i both know how complicated this situation is. Shane, you realize you're not the only one being hurt by this right?

Shane: Oh, i'm perfectly aware sawyer. I'm really not in the mood to discuss this.

Sawyer: You can't keep ignoring this situation shane.

Shane: Yes i can and i will.

He placed his hands on my waist and i pushed him off. He pouted and put his hands right back where they were. I sighed and he looked at me with big eyes.

Sawyer: I could make you so happy, if you would just be mine.

Shane: Joey is mine, and that's how it's gonna stay.

Sawyer: I'll let you think about it.

He kissed me and i shut my eyes for a couple seconds until i shoved him away. Why does this keep happening to me? I wish this was just a bad dream that i could wake up from. But no, life just has to fuck me over EVERY FUCKING DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

I just need joey, i just need him right now in my arms. My life is getting too complicated.

Author's note

Aaaaaah two cheater kisses in the same chapter, I'M CLUELESS WHERE I'M GOING. Guys....should i continue this book? I feel like i'm not giving you guys the best book that i can. I'm not sure but you guys comment what you think. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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