Chapter 37

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[Oh god please don't hate me. I'm so sorry for not updating. I've had some things going on but i'm ok now. Now READ ON <3] [oh P.S. to get in the feel of this chapter listen to Skrux You and me. It's an adorable song and it fits the mood of the chapter]

Shane's pov

After joey had that nightmare he has seemed to b non responsive. He lays in bed for hours just staring at the wall. I have to sit him up and help him eat, he seems mental. I think the amount of trauma he went through has sent his body into shock and his brain doesn't know how to react.

It was the sixth day and right now it was breakfast time. I walked into his room and he was in the same position he's always in. Laying down and staring at the wall just breathing. I touched his shoulder and he flinched as his eyes went wide.

Shane: Hey, it's just shaney, daniel is never gonna come back i promise.

He nodded and i helped him sit up. His eyes seemed to widen with happiness as he saw the pancakes in front of him. I smiled and he smiled back, this hasn't happened since i found him.

Joey: M-My pancakes?

Shane: Yes joey, they're all yours.

His smile got much larger and next thing you know he's dunked his face into the pancakes taling huge bites out of them. He's getting whipped cream and syrup all over his face but this is the first time he's been happy since i found him. I was laughing too hard to care.

Joey: Want fome?

He tried to speak with full cheeks and i just shook my head no as he continued eating. He then dumped the milk all over his face. He giggled at the cold feeling and he looked at me with so much love. He then slowly got out of bed and walked over to me.

Shane: No you're a messy boy, no kisses.


He gave me a big hug wiping his syrup covered face all over my new T-shirt. I gasped and he pulled away running down the hallway.

Shane: I'm gonna get you bitch.

We continued running until we reached the back yard, he hopped over the little fence we had and he darted towards the woods. Oh he thinks he can escape me with tree hmm? I don't think so.

He darted up a tree and i followed right after him, it's hard to believe that i'm actually strong enough to do this. If you haven't guessed, i have the tiniest amount of upper body stregnth. [Can anyone else relate to this but me?]

We swung through the trees and the cool air was just amazing. After about ten minutes joey landed on the ground and i followed after him. Something felt familiar about this place but i didn't know what.

Shane: What is this place joey?

Joey: Y-You found me here.

Shane: No way.

I looked around at the broken and knocked down trees from storms over the year. They were all covered in weeds and beautiful flowers. Not the best combination but that was all i could explain.

Joey's pov

Shane looked mezmerized by the place so that gave me just enough time to go get my present. I came up behind him slowly.

Joey: Boo.

He jumped and turned around playfully glaring at me.

Shane: why'd you do that?


I brought out two flower crowns from behind my back that i made every night this week. Each night when shane went to bed i snuck out and worked on these. And you better believe i'm sleepy.

Shane: Aww baby these are so beautiful, when did you make these?

Joey: When you slept.

I smiled and winced when i breathed in and my rib hurt. Shane came over to me and held me gently. I rested my head on his shoulder and let the tears fall. My head hurt to think about all the torture i went through. All that pain was just so much to handle.

Shane's pov

I looked down at joey and he was crying again, a few tears slipped from my eyes and i held him tighter avoiding his injuries.

Shane: Joey can i tell you something?

Joey: Mhm.

Shane: Joey, don't let your past define you. Even if it's recent, let it go embrace your future head on. Keep your head high and push forward like the warrior you are. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with letting your feelings out. Just don't shed too many tears over this one thing. You will and can get through this i know you will. [I know hella cheesy but that's for anyone who might be struggling with something <3]

He nodded and wiped his tears as he looked up at me. I leaned down and connected our lips in the most love filled kiss i could muster. He kissed back and both our tears mixed into the kiss. So many emotions were emitted through this one kiss. Anger, pain, sadness, happiness, love lust, you name it, it was in the kiss.

Joey: I love you shaney.

Shane: I love you more joey bear.

I gently picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I walked with him in my arms and the sun seemed to shimmer through the woods. The leaves seemed to wave as we walked by. The wind was inviting and calm. Me and joey were both in a safe haven that neither of us ever wanted to come out from.

Shane: Shall we go home princess?

Joey: No, joey o-ok here.

Shane: But i have a surprise for you darling.

Joey: Well, alright l-let's go home. But can we come back here later?

Shane: Of course we can baby.

He held on tighter to me and we walked back to the house. I think he might've guess what the surprise was because he kept placing kisses on my neck. I smirked and we both ran inside and up to my bedroom.

Author's note.

Ok guys here's the chapter. Now question, should i end the book on a smut chapter or on this one? If i end it on this one i'll make an epilogue and just end it like that. I'm gonna be posting an A/N after this one just to ask some questions. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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