lvn: ⚽️

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This chapter is dedicated to :brxxkeb because she loves my story so much even though it's terrible.

Calico's pov yay, picture up top/on side. Um there's a little little bit of abuse but i don't want to trigger anyone so I'll make sure to put *** before it happens

Anyways enjoy!


"So where you going, all dressed up?" Ezra asks, making me jump slightly.

"Christ, you scared me E," I breathe out, turning around to look at him. "And no reason really. I just felt like dressing nice today." I give him a small smile and walk over to my vanity, sitting down on the stool in front of it. I opened up my makeup bag and picked up my concealer, applying some onto my face.

Ezra scoffed and made his way towards to my bed, siting down and staring at me through the mirror. "Dressing nice? We were supposed to have a lazy Cal, you don't need to dress nice for that but you obviously have other plans. So I'm going to ask you again, where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere babe, we can still have our lazy day but...luke is coming over to tutor me." I mumble the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"Excuse me? Did I just hear that, that loser is coming here? Oh I see, that's why you got all dolled up huh?" Ezra says, getting off of the bed and standing behind me.

I roll my eyes, picking up my mascara and applying it to my eyelashes, ignoring his glare. "E chill, he's coming over to help me with Calculus. I don't know if you remember but I'm failing because you told me to end my sessions with him." I look at him through the mirror, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because I could've got you a better tutor, I can get my brother to get you an actual college tutor instead of Luke."

"Yeah but I don't want a college student, I want Luke. Now I'm sorry Ezra but he's coming weither you like it or not. Actually, you can leave, I don't want you here when he comes over."

Ezra placed a hand on ny shoulder, leaning down so he was close to my face. "Is there anything I should know about you and waterboy? Are you fucking him behind my back? God I hope not babygirl because you're mine," Ezra whispered in my ear, slowly wrapping his hand around my throat. "You don't want to know what I would do if I found out that you were being a little slut."

I grabbed at his hand, trying to pry his fingers off of me but it was no use, he only tighten his grip. I could feel the tears forming a the bottom of my eyes.

"E-Ezra...get off p-please." I gasped, staring at myself through the mirror. My whole face was turning a dark shade of red as the tears finally flowed down my cheeks. I couln't believe this was happening, I thought that he was better than this. I thought he loved me.

Ezra chuckled darkly, shaking his head before turning my face toward him. "I'll let go when I want to princess." He smashed his lips against mine, kissing me roughly. I didn't kiss back, I wouldn't kiss back, I just cried even harder.

"Hey Cal, mom wants to know what you want for dinner." I heard Mali yell while coming up the stairs.

Oh thank god.

Ezra quickly removed his hand, straightening up just as Mali walked into my room.

"Oh hi Ezra. Cal why didn't- wait are you crying? What happened?" Mali asks, walking quickly over to me and wiping my tears away.

I looked over at Ezra, who glared back and mouthed at me to 'not say anything'. I gulped and nodded before looking up at Mali and forcing a smile. "Oh I was just reading The Fault in Our Stars again, you know how I get with Augustus."

Mali rolled her eyes slightly, giggling softly and shaking her head. "Of course you were. Anyways as I saying before what did you want for dinner and Ezra are you staying?"

"Oh tell her it doesn't matter and no he isn't but Luke will be over," I murmur, looking back over at Ezra. "I m-mean, he might leave earlier but s-still."

Mali nod and kissed my forehead, walking away but I grabbed her arm, pulling her back. She looks at me confused, making me bite my lip hard. I cleared my throat, letting her arm go and wiping away a couple tears that fell. "I was wondering if you wanted to help me fix my makeup?"

"Not now Cal, I need to help mom. Ask Ezra to help you, that should be a fun couple thing to do." She says, walking back towards my door.

"Oh can't, I was just leaving. I need to meet up with Ryan about something. I'll see you tomorrow though babygirl, make sure to tell waterboy I said hi." Ezra says, following Mali out of the room.

I waited until I heard the front door open and close before standing up and walking over to the window. I opened the curtains and saw Ezra walking towards his car just as Luke was walking up. He bump into the blond hair boy, making him on his butt before finally making it to his car and driving away.

God, what did I put myself into?


So I was listening to Teddy Bear by Melanie Martinez while I was listening to this and I guess that kind of gave me so inspiration idk.

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