Chapter Eleven

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Farkle and I walked into Math and sat down in two seats in the back. I was looking for Riley when Farkle put his hand on mine. I faced him.

"Riley came in with the math club like fifteen minutes ago." He stated

I nodded and looked over to the corner of the room where Riley and the math club were sitting. I sighed and looked back at Farkle.

"Why?" I asked moving my hand from the chair that I thought Riley was going to sit in

Farkle sighed and gave a 'You know why.' look. I nodded slowly and turned my head back to look over at Riley. She was laughing and talking to a brunette boy that was probably as tall as Farkle.

"When do you think she'll stop being mad at me?" I asked facing Farkle again

He shrugged as he took his math books out.

"She'll be back probably tomorrow, she doesn't want to stay mad at you. She's just a little sad." He said

"I just don't like it." I said looking at the desk

"Don't like what?"

"That she's mad at me."

Farkle chuckled.

"She kinda can be." He said

"Yeah, I know, but it's just not like her and her normal happiness."

"I know."

"She's always so perky."


"And she-"

"Hey Maya. Hey Farkle."

I turned around the face Riley. Riley. Is she still mad? Is she just coming over to punch me in the face and then go do math problems with the math club?

"Hey Riles." I said smiling at her carefully

She sighed and that sat down in the chair next to me that I thought she was gonna sit in earlier.

"Maya, I'm sorry-"

"No. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you and I was gonna tell you but I got nervous because you were so-"

"Happy." She said smiling

"Yeah." I said smiling back

She nodded and as moved closer, bringing her backpack with her. I heard Farkle laugh a little as her chair scratched against the floor and I smiled.

"I forgive you." She smiled

I jumped out of my chair and smiled as I gave her a big hug. She's usually the one who loves to hug me, but I'm just really happy that she's not mad anymore.

"I'm so happy." I smiled

Farkle chuckled and Riley giggled as she gave me a weird look.

"I'm the one who's always happy and perky." Riley said

I shrugged and thought it was time to actually get my math stuff out. I opened my backpack and pulled out my books.

"I can be happy too, especially because you forgave me." I said

She smiled back and got her pencil out. I noticed Farkle writing a bunch of stuff down and wondered what he's doing. Did he not do the homework? No, Farkle always does his homework.


He snapped his head up and put his pencil down, like he knew that I was gonna take it from him if he didn't look at me. I crossed my arms and looked at him as Riley watched.

"What are you writing?" I asked

"Math." He said looking at me weird

"Why? We don't have any work on the board." Riley said pointed at the chalkboard with her pencil

He shrugged.

"I- uh-"

"And you always do your homework, so you aren't doing that." I said staring at him

He gulped and moved his books to the opposite side of his desk, away from Riley and I. I gave him a suspicious look and Riley nodded. I smirked at Farkle.

"Farkle, tell us what you're writing there." I said

"Math, I already said that." He said

"But why are you-"

"I just need to do some more math, okay?!"

Riley and I nodded slowly as we looked at each other. Everyone was int white seats and looked at us as if we were clowns. Farkle doesn't really tell at us. Ever.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's okay Farkle, you can do your math." Riley said quietly shutting her math books and staring at the desk

Great. Farkle yells and now Riley's all sad and stuff. She just forgave me! Why can't we be happy for like five minutes?

"Hey Riley."

Shit. No. Why. He's so-

"Uh- Lucas?" Riley said looking up at his smiling face

Smiling? What is he doing? I glared up at him while he gave me a quick smirk. He smiled back at Riley again.

"My friends and I were wondering if you wanted to sit with us. The two cheerleaders you were talking to earlier seemed to like you." He said kindly

I- I what? Kindly? He said something all kind and shit. No. Hell no.

Riley looked at me with a weird look. Like she almost wants to. She nodded over to Farkle who was still writing away and I realized that she didn't want to be near him if he was gonna be all- weird. I don't want her to sit with Lucas. Ewww.

"Riles, I don't-"

"Maya, if Riley wants to sit with some different people today, she can. She can always make people happy and Stella said that she's feeling kinda sad today." Lucas said the end fake pouting at Riley

Oh my fucking-

"Well, I would like to help her out and make her happier." Riley said looking over at me


"Come one Riley, Stella's waiting!" Lucas said all fake, happily grabbing her hand as she stood up

Hell no. Why do I feel- weird. NOT jealous. Weird. He's holding her hand, but he's looking right at me. He smirking. Riley gave me a big hug and she said she'll text me later before she went over to the other side of the room with Lucas.

I grabbed Farkle's pencil and broke it.

Riley forgave Maya! Yay!😍💁🏽 Lucas is acting nice.😐 ACTING nice.😏 Wanna know why? Is it just to get to Maya or something else?😋😇hmmmmmm😇😇😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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