It's Finally Over

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Ed's POV
Al and I looked at one another and nodded. I pushed the door open and we stepped inside. As we walked, we passed cells. I bit my bottom lip, as I walked passed my old cell. I remembered it because of the marking's I had left there. I looked away, and continued walking. We stopped outside a door. It was like iron. Suddenly, it was lifted up. "Welcome back Edward Elric. I see you've brought your little brother, Alphonse Elric." Someone stated. I looked around, and my eyes landed on a desk, and a chair.  Someone had been sitting in the chair. "Who are you?" I asked. They laughed. "I'm the Lighting Alchemist. At your service." He greeted, standing up. I growled slightly. He came out of the shadow's that blocked Al and I from seeing him. When he was out of the shadows, I could see what he looked like. He had long red hair, with piercing green eyes. He was wearing a military uniform. My eyes widened. It was the Amestrian uniform. "So, what brings you here to my humble home?" He asked. "Cut the act. You and I both know your not some civilized person." I stated, slowly regaining the confidence I had lost. He chuckled. "I guess your right. But, I thought it would be better to act it. I didn't feel like attacking you once you stepped inside. Especially since you overcame the tests I put you through. You know, it is quite a shame the Colonel killed Mia. She was one of my most faithful soldiers." He sighed. I clenched my fist. "Shut up." I mumbled. "You don't know a damn thing!" I yelled, charging forwards. I clapped my hands together, and placed one hand one my auto mail, making a blade. The Lighting Alchemist laughed. "Quite the temper there." He stated, as he dodged my swings. I growled and ducked as Al thrusted his fist, towards the Alchemist's face. I swifty stood next to Al. The Alchemist laughed. "So. We're really going to do this. Don't blame me, for your death!" He exclaimed as he clapped his hands together, lighting striking down from the ceiling. I yelped as the lighting sent me flying into the wall. "Brother!" Al exclaimed, but then yelped himself when he too was sent crashing into a wall. I groaned in pain. 'Damn he's strong. I'm almost starting to regret not having Roy and the Lieutenant come and help.' I thought. I shook away that thought, and stood up. I ran towards the Lighting Alchemist and began dodging his lighting strikes. I jumped up, and kicked his face. "Heh. Cheap shot." He said. I smirked confidentially. "But I have another trick up my sleeve!" He exclaimed. "Gah!" Al yelled. "Al!" I yelled as I saw lighting hit him. Half of his armor being destroyed. I growled and glared at the alchemist. By now, my red coat was destroyed. And half of my black jacket was ripped, exposing my auto mail. "Your gonna pay for that!" I growled. I clapped my hands together and placed them on the ground. The alchemist did the same, and lighting shot through the ground. With my alchemy, I formed blocks of stone, and they hit the alchemist. Hard. The lighting hit me, and I couldn't help but scream in pain. The alchemist was knocked out, and I ran towards Al. "Al!" I yelled. He lifted his head. "Brother. Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and helped sit him against the wall. I clapped my hands together and placed them on Al's armor. "There. All fixed." I said. I used my alchemy to make hand cuffs and cuffed the alchemist. We then walked out and the towns people were standing outside the building. "Are you two the ones who defeated the Lighting Alchemist?" One of them asked. I nodded. Everyone smiled snd clapped. "Thank you!" Some cheered. "You saved our village!" The others cheered. "Let's celebrate!" Everyone else cheered.

Yay! A long chapter! Sorry if the battle scene stunk. I tried. I'm not the best at writing them though. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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