Chapter 8

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Over the years that followed after Thora Mikaelson's death, nothing had been the same. The family had grown apart from one another, resulting in all of them eventually succumbing to hating each other and abandoning the true meaning of 'Always and Forever'. But out of all the Mikaelson sibling's downfalls, Niklaus' was by far the worst out of all of them.

The once kind-hearted man who had a deep appreciation for art and music had become cold and void. He had terrorized numerous towns for the hell of it, killed innocent people just to hear their screams, and eventually got around to daggering all of his siblings in the heart and carting them around like they were luggage on a flight. Which, to him, was basically the reality of what they were.

But now, he had plans. He wanted the curse his wretched mother placed upon him gone, so he could reach his full potential of becoming the Original Hybrid who could actually access his dormant side. Not just some vampire with a different title accompanied with yellow eyes. Which was why he was back in the town that started it all. Mystic Falls, Virginia. He had found the doppelganger, had a town full of vampires and the occasional werewolf or two lingering around, and he was more than willing to threaten a witch into helping. After all, he was doing this for his personal safety and the safety of those who he loves, even though he would never admit it. He never wanted to relive what he had to go through with his precious Thora, and he was positive that he never would again. Touching her wedding ring and the runes that hung on the chain around his neck, he smile softly and let out a sigh.

"Looks like I'm finally home, little storm," He said somberly. "If only you were here to enjoy it with me..."

Although little did he know that Thora was with him. Just not physically.

"I'm here, Niklaus," She whispered with a smile, reaching out to touch his cheek lightly. "I always have been, and I always will be."

The thing is, Thora was dead. Burnt to ash, murdered by a group of hunters at her life's peak. This wasn't the type of thing where her death was faked - she was as dead as they came. And she was living out her days on the other side, watching over her family like a guardian angel. She had seen everything. Every late night sob session, every murder, every single time they had even blinked, she had seen. She was not happy with how the family turned out after her death, but she could not blame them. Grief can tear apart even the strongest of families, and no one could deny that. But she couldn't say that she was proud of them, either. They had done many unspeakable horrors to the world, especially her beloved. She knew that he was doing it out of anger and sadness, but she couldn't help but wish she were there to help him.

"Why can't he see me?" Thora asked for the thousandth time, knowing that the original witch was behind her.

But opposed to her usual answer of 'because you're dead and if he could see you than it would be a disaster and the whole other side would fall blah blah blah', she was surprised with a new response from the witch.

"You were good for him, you know," She stated. "It was always fated that he were to meet his one true love, and that she would do great things for him. She would be the end to all his misery. She would be the one who stops all the pain from the past and lights the path to a bright future. And as soon as he finds her... she slipped away."

"Well I apologize, dying wasn't exactly on my list of priorities." Thora rolled her eyes. "My life was cut abruptly and it was an ending I wish upon no one."

"I haven't come here to bicker, young Thora." Esther said firmly. But soon her frown formed into the shape of a smile. "I have come here to offer you a gift."

Thora's ears perked up at the sound of Esther's words, turning around and looking at her quizzically.

"What kind of gift?" She asked with caution. "No offense, Esther, but usually when the witch who wants my husband and his siblings dead offers her daughter-in-law a gift, it usually backfires or turns out to be evil. So pardon me if I am being rude."

Esther just laughed lightly and walked closer to the girl, placing her hands in the cold ones of the one good thing that ever happened to her son.

"I may hate my children for the atrocities they have committed, but you, young Thora, were the thing that brought them all together. You unified them and showed them what love felt like and it was taken too soon." She smiled warmly. "I can't bring you back, but I can bring you to them."

"But how?" Thora asked again. "Niklaus is amongst the living, and the rest of them are trapped inside coffins. There aren't that many choices to choose from."

"Do you remember what Finn taught you?" She asked. "About dreams?"

"Of course I do."

"Tell me what he said to you."

"Finn once told me that dreams are always made up of three things. What you think of before your head hits the pillow, what you want to think about when you wake, and what the universe has in store for you..."

Esther smirked and nodded slowly, assuring Thora that she was correct.

"Now, I may not be the queen of the universe, but I am the most powerful witch to have ever walked the face of the earth." She chuckled. "Are you ready to see Niklaus again?"

Thora nodded with happy tears in her eyes, closing her eyes while Esther chanted and feeling the sudden wind in her hair. But when she opened her eyes, she wasn't on the other side with Esther like she half expected to be. She was in the heart of the forest. But not just any forest, oh no. It was her and Niklaus' forest. Her favorite place in the world. Breathing in a big breath of fresh air, she turned around and was met with the blue eyes she had missed over the past few centuries.

"Niklaus," She whispered, tears falling from her eyes.

"Thora..." He whispered back, trying to hold his tears in.

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