Chapter 32

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n// sorry that this is so shitty guys but idk you're welcome in advance ;)) ps dont forget to vote/comment/share/add to your reading lists/etc. because it means the world to me and it makes me super happy lol thank you all and enjoy!!

"Are you sure about this?" Klaus asked his wife as she packed an overnight bag, standing in the doorway with a look that read 'please don't go'.

But much to his dismay, Thora nodded and continued packing.

"It's only a night, Klaus," She chuckled, brushing a lock of her hair out of her eyes. "Besides, it's only Matthew's house. It's not like I'm going to a different country. I'm only staying for a night so I can catch up with my best friend, and so you can get some work done."

"You make it sound like I work in some sort of office, love, not that I'm trying to get my coffins back."

"They're your family, Niklaus," Thora said, whipping around and looking at him, mood worsening at his words. "Not just some coffins. Have some compassion."

Klaus was stunned into silence at her snapping at him, creasing his brow in confusion at where it had all come from. She seemed to be doing that a lot -- getting cross at him so easily over things he wouldn't have even thought twice about. But nevertheless, he continued.

"The point is, I don't want you to go. I like it when we're together. You make me happy."

"And you make me happy as well, Nik." Thora sighed with a small smile, stopping for a moment to get a good look at the man. To her, he resembled a sad puppy, which almost made her feel bad for her tone just moments before. But he needed to hear that, and she also needed some time for herself. "I just want a little distraction, and I've really missed Matt over the time we've been together."

"I wasn't aware that you and he were even that close to one another."

"We lived together for months. We were bound to grow close -- we spent all of our time together."

Klaus suddenly grew jealous of the relationship that his wife shared with the other man, clenching his jaw tightly and taking in a sharp breath through his nose.

"What's wrong?" Thora asked, looking at him once again. "Are you okay?"

"I don't like him." Was all Klaus said in return. "And I wish you not to go."

"Well it's a good thing I can make my own decisions." She responded just as angrily. "And it's an even better thing that I do not care what you think of my friends. You can't control every aspect of those you claim to love's lives, Niklaus! I am going, and that is that!"

"Fine!" Klaus exclaimed. "You enjoy your time gallivanting around town with your precious Matt Donovan, whom, might I add, kept you captive for months upon months and brainwashed you. Have a blast!"

"Well, I didn't see you in any rush to get me out, seeing as you said they were 'protecting me' until it was time that you felt right for me to be in your life once again, just like you do with everyone else! Hell, I'm surprised that I don't have my own coffin!"

"Everything I did -- everything I do -- is for you and your protection, along with the protection of everyone else in my family!" Klaus roared back. "All my life, I have been hunted-"

"Don't you give me that, Niklaus," Thora seethed, tired of him playing the victim all the time. "We both know good and well that nothing is hunting you anymore. So what's stopping you? What is there that is stopping you from killing Stefan and getting your coffins back, then waking up your siblings? I'll tell you what. You don't want them here. You wake them when you feel it is necessary to do so, or when your life is in danger. We both know that when you do get them back -- if you don't push Stefan too far over the edge -- you will be in no rush at all to wake them up and make us the reunited family you promised me."

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