Chapter 26

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n// this is probably one of my least favourite chapters to date, but it has a lot of thora+klaus action and we all know how im a sucker for that tbh anyways i hope you like it!!

"You were right, your wife did have one of the more severe cases of hypothermia, but it also appeared as if she was missing a lot of blood yet there was no trace of an injury of any severity that would make her lose that much, Mr. Smith," The doctor taking care of Thora's case said to Klaus, going along with the façade that he was putting up as James Smith. "Thankfully, she has a very common blood type, making getting her a blood transfusion not a problem."

"And what of her body temperature?" Klaus - or James - asked, keeping up with his American accent. Truth be told, he hated doing everything that he was doing. He didn't want to fake an accent, or use some sort of pseudonym so that he could just get his wife the medical attention she needed and deserved, but if what the prick that was Damon Salvatore was telling the truth, he couldn't risk leaving a trail for his very spiteful and murderous father to follow. So he did what he had to do in order to keep himself and his wife safe. He hid. And sometimes, there was an element of honor to one's cowardice. Protection was his.

"She's going to be just fine, Mr. Smith." The doctor smiled. "She just needs to be kept overnight for some observations."

"And if she isn't kept here for observations?"

"Well, there are the chances of her still having the common symptoms of hypothermia, drowsiness, slurred speech, amongst others, but other than that, she should be fine. We just have to keep her internal temperatures up and make sure that nothing goes wrong." She explained. "Why? Is there any reason that you can't keep her here for the night?"

"We're kinda on the go right now," He explained vaguely. "We have to be somewhere by the morning."

"Well unless-"

"Will she be okay if I don't let her stay the night here for these observations?" He compelled, growing impatient and letting his true colours show.

"Yes." The woman answered, "As long as she is properly taken care of and is kept warm and hydrated, she should be good to go after the blood transfusion."

Nodding, he let the woman go back to her work as he went back to Thora's room, where she lied now awake, needles and wires hanging out of her arms and hands.

"Hey," Klaus said softly with a smile as he sat beside her. "How do you feel?"

"I... I don't know." She whispered, looking down at the white sheets.

"How do you mean, love?"

"Is it true?" Thora blurted, thinking back on what Damon had told her.

"Is what true?" Klaus asked, scooting closer to her and taking her hand.

"That my family... My village... are dead? All of them?"

Klaus took a deep breath and nodded solemnly, knowing that unlike when they completed the task of the slaughtering her village, she wasn't going to take it well.


"Darling, my little storm, you're very ill at the moment, you need-"

"I have been lied to for months upon months, Niklaus," Thora interrupted sternly. "I needn't anything else but the truth. So please... Just please tell me what happened to them."

Klaus was silent for a while, planting a kiss on the top of her small hand, not wanting to tell her what she wanted so desperately to know. But as her husband and newly found protector, he had no choice. Telling the truth was just a civic duty to him when it came to his wife. She would never tell a lie to him, nor would he ever tell a lie to her unless it was absolutely necessary. They had too much respect for each other - and their relationship - to lie.

"The night we met, Thora, you were running away." He began, making Thora's brow furrow in the slightest. "You told me that your father was marrying you off to some sort of brute from the next village over-"

"Eerikki." Thora blurted out. "His name was Eerikki."

Klaus nodded in understanding, secretly trying not to be a little jealous that she remembered his name after all these years, but he brushed it off.

"Anyways, you told me your situation, and I understood. I told you that marriage was a sacred bond that was to be shared by lovers, not politicians. You agreed. Then I offered you a gift. One that would keep you young forever, something that would make you stronger, faster, smarter, more powerful than anything else that roamed the earth. And you accepted. The next morning, you awoke in thirst of vengeance for those of which had wronged and betrayed you. So... We went into the village and slaughtered them, save for the children. You had demanded that they be taken to a neighboring village and raised there, where they could be happy in a surrounding that wasn't so corrupt and abusive-"

"I killed them." Thora cut off with a sob, starting a chain reaction of weeping. "I killed my family!"

Klaus sighed and let her cry, grieving for those of which they killed. Eventually after a few minutes he climbed into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her and holding the girl closely to his chest, cooing to her softly and kissing her lightly every once and a while.

"It's alright, love," He whispered. "What's done is done."

"I killed them all, Niklaus..." She sobbed. "I am a monster!"

"You are no such thing, my love," He disagreed strongly, pulling her even closer to him. "You are an angel amongst mere mortals. You are the light of my dull and eternal existence. You bring joy to the world, my littlest storm. We all do rash and harmful things out of anger and out of means retribution, but just remember: you were protecting yourself and the future of your village. You were doing what you felt was right. You were surviving. You are a survivor. A warrior. And although you mustn't think so at the moment, it will get easier and easier with each passing day. You will understand one day, my love. That is a promise."

And not to anyone's shock or surprise, his words worked. Her tears let up, and she let her body go a bit softer as she listened to him intently, leaning into him like she was a scared child.

"Just hold me," She whispered as he wiped her tears. "Please."

"Whatever you wish, my love." Klaus replied, shifting their positions so that her face was burrowed in his warm chest and that his arms were wrapped around her body.

"Don't let go, Niklaus," She pleaded softly as tears rolled softly down her cheeks.

"I never intend to, Thora." He said quietly one last time before kissing her on the head and letting her drift off into a grief induced slumber.

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