[MBW]-Chapter 3.

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THE NEXT MORNING I found my eyes fluttering open due to the sun peeking through the blinds of the window.

The clock read 8 A.M. and I was a little mad that I didn't get to sleep in for longer.

I rolled around my bed and stretched slightly only to find Ethan on the bed a couple of feet away from me. A small part of me was really shocked to see him there but I wasn't so sleepy that I forgot that we were sharing the room.

He was all over the place. His legs were covered by the covers but his upper half was bare of it. One of his arms rested on his torso while his other rested on his forehead while he snored away.

How did I get any sleep with him snoring like that?

After realizing that it was impossible for me to fall asleep again, I ripped off the covers to get the day started.

A normal twenty-minute shower turned into a full hour of me thinking about the million things I had to do not just today but during the entire week leading up to the wedding day. Just the thought was giving me anxiety.

I wasn't one to settle for anything less than perfection.

I gave myself an imaginary pat on the shoulder for remembering to bring my clothes inside with me seeing as I didn't want to give Ethan a private show anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.

I slipped on my denim shorts and a blouse while simultaneously brushing my fingers through my wet hair.

Once I stepped outside of the bathroom, I was greeted with a fuming Ethan. His normally gorgeous green orbs were now burning holes into me as they glared straight into my head as if that would make me combust into thin air. He could've tried all he wanted but it wouldn't work and I would know since I've tried it countless times on him.

"How many people were you showering for in there? I've wanted to pee for the last 45 minutes!" He screamed at me but I merely rolled my eyes and made way to the small vanity that was opposite our beds.

"Go pee then," I replied, nonchalantly.

I picked up my concealer and started dabbing my face when I saw him still standing there and raised my eyebrows.

He opened his mouth to say something but decided not to. He held up his hands in defeat and turned around muttering stuff under his breath, which only made me chuckle.

"You'll be the death of me, I swear to—wait. CHARLOTTE, WHY DOES THE WHOLE BATHROOM SMELL LIKE STRAWBERRIES AND EVERYTHING GIRLY?!" He yelled from inside and my eyes widened as I started to put on my make up at a quicker pace.

I had to be out of there before he exploded on me for killing his masculinity. It wasn't like smelling like fruits would even make a difference to him. His ego was as high as it could get.

Once I was done with everything and had successfully avoided Ethan, I made my way down to the hotel's restaurant where I was hoping to get some breakfast.

I thought I could be a multitasker and scroll through my Instagram feed whilst simultaneously power walking for food but I assumed wrong. I ran into someone leaving both our gadgets on the floor.

I kneeled down to pick my phone up inspecting it for any damages. There were none, thankfully.

"I'm sorry," We both spoke in unison and my head snapped up from my phone upon hearing a familiar voice.

"Oh my God! Taylor! When did you get here?" I exclaimed, surprise evident in my voice upon seeing a familiar face.

Taylor Basen was Vanessa's cousin—her favorite one, too. It had been such a long time since we had seen each other but he still looked the exact same. His blonde hair was spiked up in ways that were unimaginable and his blue eyes still held the same childishness balanced out with enough maturity they did back in high school.

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