No more please

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"No,please no don't! anything but that"

"I'll be a better daug-",Mia's voice is cut off

"No! Shut the hell up and come and get your punishment", she says as she plays with the lighter

Mia hesitates but walks towards her crying and hiccuping

Mom says,"I wonder what I should put today, oh I know how about useless bitch, hmm since I feel good today I'll let you choose useless or bitch or both hurry and choose fast and wisely"

"Bitch" says Mia

Mom says,"good choice at least you finally got something right"

"For that I'll let you eat my scraps"
"Go wash up, and fix my diner"

-Mia's pov-
I ran upstairs and got cleaned not even looking in the mirror I already know I look bad I have a black eye,blood coming out my nose, broken rib,and I walk with a limp because of a twisted ankle. Why do they hate me I never did anything wrong I didn't even say anything they find any reason to beat me I'm 1 min late I get a black eye,didn't cook diner on time word burned into my body, I make eye contact with them I get kicked in the leg, and when I talk or beg I get a broken rib this is just my daily life and the worst part is it hurts worse because my parents are wolfs and have alpha blood running through them so as you guessed they are both Alpha and Luna ,also meaning I have a mate but I don't think I want to meet him its not like he would want me anyways I haven't shifted yet and I'm all bruised up, the only thing I would be good at would be a punching bag or a goodbye mat because my face wouldn't welcome anyone my parents abuse me because I still haven't shifted I'm 15 about to be 16 I was supposed to shift at age 14 meaning I'm a late bloomer and because they just think I'm a waste of a child my dad and mom wanted a boy but instead here I am

I made diner and now moms sleep. After she ate she did leave scraps but I threw them away instead of eating them I am not a dog in plus I have to much fat anyways after doing my chores I got ready for bed to go to school tomorrow
At school (Leo's POV)

I can't wait to find my mate, I bet she's beautiful, has nice curves,has nice hair,the best smile,gives the best hugs just that she's perfect I have a feeling I'll finally meet her today and when I see her I'll give her so many kisses and hugs so much love,hey I have waited 2 years to find her so I got kinda anxious so now I can't control it....

I sniffed the air and found the most intoxicating smell I have ever smelt, it smells like berries and mint and I just knew she was my mate but I also smelt blood mixed with it I was pissed so I was searching for my mate her scent grew when I passed the woman's restroom

You got to be kidding me but I don't care at the moment all I knew was that my mate was in there in trouble

I barged in their only to find my mate on the ground being beaten by some stupid snob's and my mate looked weak like she can't even pull herself up so I pushed the snob's out my way and try to grab my mate which was terrified and crying and I heard her say , "if your gonna hit me make it fast I have to make it to 1st period but I would prefer to not be hit in the face if possible" she say in a low sob tone.

Her voice was angelic and sounded with kindness even though what she said wasn't pleasant

So I picked her up and carried her toward the bathroom door but then a teacher walked in and she looked at me with wide eyes but she didn't say anything and I carried her to the nurses office.My Mate had fallen asleep in my arms but I put her on the nurse bed because she needed to be checked for bruises

The nurse check and said she has a twisted ankle, a broken rib, bruises on her right leg, and a black eye.

I thanked her and dismissed her she responded and said, "your welcome alpha and congrats on finding our Luna she's very beautiful" then she walked out

I stayed by my mates side as she rest peacefully I was finally able to study her and she was beautiful she has long and beautiful mahogany brown hair it was wavy and just bellow her breast everywhere her skin color was a hot chocolate color, her lips looked soft and when her eyes were open they were hazel with a silver ring at the bottom of the iris which also means she's a wolf but hasn't shifted when you shift it becomes gold ,she was kinda on the thin side but I could fix the but she's got the curves in the right places (wink,wink)
(Mia above)
Hey guys do you like it so far?
Don't be ghost readers show me your out their I thank all those reading leave comments send messages if IT sucks say it sucks but tell me what I should fix
Will update later
I changed Mia I got a better picture

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