fast forward (last chapter)

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This is the last chapter no follow ups

4 months later

Leo's POV:
Guys I knocked her up yes indeed I did and I love them as much as I love my Mia oh yeah today we find out how many months she is and whether it's a she or he but she's really big so she might be like 5 months I mean I know your not supposed to say someone's big but she is bigg

On our way to the pack doctors..

Pack doctor John

Welcome alpha ,luna dammm luna your big he says as he turns around and I let out a small growl what can I say it's my wolf and all Mia does is slightly blush at that comment and he just feels the tension in the room so he goes on and does his job he put the clear jelly on her stomach and moves it around and we heard heart beats yes heart beats theirs 3 of them in their and they are all healthy and turns out she's only 4 months prego I knew the scent was different that's because theirs a lot of them in their

Months fast forward(in the room Mia's water broke)

Leo's POV
Oh shit ,oh shit ,oh shit their coming and Mia's already tying to take off my head so I'm coward in the corner all the way on the other side of the room 😰🤕😱 dammmmmmm the doctor finally came in and she was ready to have the babies I hate to say it but that pussy opened up so wide i was vomitting and I passed out when I woke up their was a lot of crying so I'm guessing the operation went well so I go and see our little bundles of joy but something feels so wrong Im looking at the incubators that's holding my babies but where's my queen mi princessa I start to panic and I run into the surgery room where Mia was and she was pouring out so much blood she was actually loosing a lot at this point my wolf is going insane her pulse is faint I think I'm loosing her no it flat lined at this point in time I'm sitting in a chair by her side turns out she slipped into a comma but RN she's on life support

the doctors said that those babies took a lot out of her and that her ribs were really damages due to the babies which cause her to bleed internally so I climb next to her in bed and lay next to her and gently fun my fingers through her curls and while the last sheded tears from her eyes

3 days later
I'm still by my mates side I haven't even given my children their names and they are 3 days old now but I'm too depressed but I can't be like this my whole life and I don't want Mia to suffer anymore so I'm planning on taking her off of life support as the doctors were removing the mask her eyes open up and she's breathing by herself she's really alive and the first thing she asks for are her children then all of a sudden she glares in my direction and asks if I gave the children a name and I told her no and she busted me upside my head but I didn't care how much it hurt she's alive breathing I will never let her slip out of my hands again but knowing my wolf he just had to come out and whisper in her ear with his husky voice," watch it princessa before I give you 3 more" and she let her wolf take over as well and said,"I'll consider your offer" and ended with a passionate kiss
We had one girl and two boys we named our baby girl Amelia and our boys Taylor and Tyler and they are already protecting their baby sister yes she's the baby she came out last Taylor came out first next Tyler and last my baby girl Amelia and I'll tell you something I'll be damned if I see her with a fuckboy even if he's her mate 😤😤😤😤😤 she's my baby girl and Mia will remain my queen even in death oh did I forget to mention I put a ring on it 😏😏😏 what you guys thought I wouldnt do it

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