queen bitch(s) 2

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All i could do is stare at Mia jaw dropped i have never been so turned on in my life the way she pinned them "i wouldn't mind if she pinned us down like that" says my wolf i couldn't help but smirk at that comment because he's not lieing but that's something i wouldn't admit out loud and the ways she claimed me send shivers of delight down my spine she would make an amazing luna and mother to my pups

When I finally snapped back into reality my mate was running away in tears not long after i ran after her

Mia's POV
after seeing Leo's facial expression i couldn't help but feel like i have done something bad i mean who am i to claim him as mine look at me i'm not healthy i have sticks for limbs and you can see my rib cage i have a flat ass and chest i have bags on my eyes and I'm black what man in his right mind would ever love or even like a black woman i think this as i charge towards the bathroom when i got in the bathroom i ran straight into a bathroom stall and locked the door and curled into a ball and cried

Leo's POV
I sniffed out my mates sent and followed it until once again i'm at the entrance of the woman's restroom but i don't care how much it hurt my pride but my mate needs me by her side so i walk in their like I'm going to do my business earn a bunch of disgusted looks from the other lady's inside but all i do is ignore them and take in the scenery but my little stroll in the women's restroom is cut short when i smell my mates scent and hear her quiet sobs "baby why did you run away?did i do anything/say to you that was wrong?or was it those sluts? I square to bob ill destroy every single slut on the earth if it helps" from that i earned a little slight but quiet giggle escape from her lips then after like 3 seconds it stopped

Mia's POV
When he said he squares to bob that he will destroy all the sluts in the world i couldn't help but let a slight giggle escape my lips out but it didn't last long "i...it..its nott yyour fffauult" i stutter "y..yyo.uu do..ntt ha..vvve tto.o talkkk to MME i kknoww IMM a diisappointment annnd im noo ..bett.err t.hhan thhe woo.man whoo gave birth to mee aall you've shown wwass kindnesss too mee buutt ii dontt deseervve itt IMM jjust tt ans iggnnorant bblackk girl thattt nobbbodyy wants

Leo's POV
I hear the words my mate managed to stutter out in between sobs "baby you are nothing like that bitch in fact you are nowhere close to being a bitch and i love talking to you,your the highlight of my day and baby trust and believe if i could give you all the kindness in the world i would but that still wouldn't be enough for you,you've been through hell and back through all your life ,i don't have a problem with you being black what does color have to do with anything baby gorgeous is an understatement when it comes to you and you better believe that if i didn't want you i wouldn't be hurting my pride by being in this perfume/glitter infested room, so baby please come out or at least open the door" she's dead silent in their

Mia's POV
I was in shock but brought back into reality when i hear a teachers voice by the bathroom door entrance say,"you said their was a male in the woman's restroom?" Oh shit so i quickly opened my stall and pulled Leo in before the teacher could see him as the teacher skim's the restroom yet he finds nothing
"Well I'm looking and i don't see a male in the restroom so he probably left have a nice day and come and contact me because we want to insure your safety then you hear his foot steps walking away when i look at Leo i realize our body's were touching so i instantly attempted to move from this awkward position yet Leo grabs my waist and pulls me closer than we were and next thing you know his lips crashed against mine and now are lips are moving in sync and it felt as if we've been like this for 3 hours but in reality was 5 minutes when he pulls away he say the words that made me smile so hard i almost died right then and their with no regrets

What do you think the words are please leave in the comments but was this a good chapter or nah once again sorry for the cliffhanger please continue to read and sometimes the authors notes are important so do read them

So here's a question how would we mix Leo's and Mia's names do tell
I was thinking
any other ideas until next time

Ps let's play a game whoever can guess these questions that can be easily found in my second book #nobullshitzone gets to come up with character names


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