you dumbass!

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Alpha Trent's POV
Oh shit, oh shit I didn't think that she is that strong yet she wasn't supposed to get her alpha powers yet.....oh fuck I forgot my mate was an alpha and when the former alpha dies its pups gets the power divided between them but in this case she gets it all because she's an only pup "at least her mmates date I sliced him with a wolfs bane covered knife

(Whispering between Jason & john)
-Ja:Jason -Jo:John

Ja:Who's gonna tell him*looks at John*

Jo: like hell if I you know the minute we tell him that we forgot to lace it in wolfs bane will be our funeral he would snap both of our neck in like 2.5 seconds

Ja: so what do we do?

Jo: when he's not looking you better run like hell is chasing after you on the count of 3...1

Ja: 2

Jo:👋👉💨 "Jason forgot to lace the knife with wolfs bane!!"
(We never saw John again and Jason got his neck snapped in 1.5 seconds new record time)

Melody's POV:
I'm already in wolf form I can smell the alpha already I'm coming for you bitch

Leos POV:
I'm following my mate ready to help her kick ass while following behind her sexy ass😏😏😏😏

Melody's POV:
I charged through the door and lunged at the alpha while he shifts into his wolf as he dodges my attack I lunge towards him again this time piercing his hind leg the next lunge I do in aiming for his neck

Alpha Trent's POV:
Dam she's fast and strong I've gotten to old to fight like this shit I won't lose to a weak link like her I lunge at her only to miss and get bit on my hind leg she has her eyes set to kill she went rouge in brought out of my thoughts by being attacked by the Bitch of an alpha and then another attack by the actual bitch and she tears out my throat that's the end off me

Melody's POV
I'm starting to lose control of my body someone's taking over

Mias POV
I'm starting to gain back control of my body I see a ray of light in the center of the dark room I've been placed and soon enough the darkness shatters and I'm brought into light

Leos POV:
I watch as my mate shifts back to normal as she lays on the ground but she's naked and passed out 😏😏😏 no Leo nows not the time nor place so I pick her up carrying her bridal style covering up her special parts for my eyes only

A/N: I'm feeling under the weather but here's a new chapter plz don't forget to vote,comment and or follow
Love you guys

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