sex scene

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Alright before all the people who said no begin to protest just skip over this and you will be A1 ok but for those who said yes prepare to feast your eyes

Mias POV

I finally dragged Leo up to the bed room and threw him on the bed and tore his clothes off and begin to lick up and down his abb lines slowly moving my tounge up and down while grinding my ladyness (vagina) against his manhood (penis/dick) and as i do that i can feel his manhood grow harder each time

Leo's POV

Dammit i didnt know she was a freak😎😎😎😎😎😎 too bad she tied me down i can't move my arms 😥😥😥 i really want to grab that ass and i mean why am i the only one that has no clothing on i say make it even. No worries guys I've been working on this rope by clawing it just you wait Mia you'll be calling me daddy in no time😏😉

Mias POV

I feel as if I've been driving leo insane he's been trying to get a feel of this ass but i did what any girl would do to this fine piece of sexy and i traveled towards his lower half towards the manhood and begin placing hot kisses and licks right above it i honestly dont know what I'm doing but i earn a satisfied growl from leo


This girl is going to be the death of me i honestly enjoy this but my wolf doesn't like to let anyone control him 👿👿 so he tore threw them ropes and flipped her over and said,"now its my turn" in his deep husky voice and at that moment he tore her clothing off and grabbed her boob in one hand squeezing it a little roughly yet not enough to actualy hurt het and with the other hand he uses to massage her ladyness earning a moan and a growl of satisfaction but then the unexpected happen she took dominance and flipped me over to where she was on top and she had me by my manhood literally and she was so terrifying to where my wolf even coward

Leon's POV

😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😵sorry leo your own your own man😧😧😧😧😧

I hopped on his manhood and put it in myself and let me just say he was calling me daddy all night long it was so bad some pack members had to come check on him but when they found out they laughed and went on about their never mind

Leo's POV

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭shit my dick hurts dam she's a freak and i got embarrassed in front of my own pack members dam i wanna curl into a ball and cry

Leon POV

Shut the hell up did you forget that i get it 5× worse why couldn't you have ran faster 😤💢 now I'm going to look like a fool in front of my own pack i knew we should have fucked sooner next time ill get her in the ass she lucky i love her to death😣😣

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