Chapter 2

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*Lori's POV*

The pajama's were huge. And the room... It was extravagant. Oliver gave me a platter of "Freshly baked cupcakes" just in case I got hungry, even though I insisted I was nearly full from about five hours ago.

"So, do you like it, Poppet?" He asked happily. "It's one of our best rooms!"

"Oliver... I-I appreciate it, but I don't have enough to pay for this... My bags are in a car in the middle of the forest. All my money is there, and even with that I still wouldn't have enough."

"Now now Poppet!" he said cheerfully. "Your presence here is payment itself! It's on the house for you." He said with a smile.

I was amazed.

"This is amazing! Oliver, I really can't thank you enough!"

"Don't thank me, poppet! I'm simply doing something nice for a friend!" He said with a smile, backing out and closing the door.

I looked around the room. It was like a suite! Everything was fancy/log cabin style and there was a huge fireplace on the wall. There was a master bathroom and a huge window looking out on the moonlit snow-covered forest. There was no TV, but instead was a huge bookshelf, holding nearly all of the classics. This was nearly perfect...

Something told me though, it was too good to be true...

"Don't argue with me, young man!" I heard faintly. I walked over to the window and peeked at what was going on. Someone was standing in front of the porch, listening to Oliver yell at them from the door.

"I just don't see why I have to! Why can't he?"

It was dark, but from the light of the porch, I could see the guy's appearance. He had on a dark brown coat and baggy jeans. He wore converse too, or at least i think they were converse... Aviators covered his eyes and he had a dark colored hair, shaggy and messy, almost coming down to his eyebrows.

"Just do as you're told! For God sake's! She's our guest!" Oliver shouted. The other guy shrugged and started walking away into the forest. The door closed and it was dark again outside.

I made my way to the bed and laid down, trying to be careful of my shoulder. It was sore now... I looked around the room one last time before finally laying my head on the soft pillow, and closing my eyes.


When I woke up, there was a glow to the room. The snow had fallen more last night and covered about half a foot on the window sill. I smiled a bit. It all looked so pretty. I got out of bed and winced. My shoulder was in searing pain...

I saw a note on the fireplace and picked it up.

"We've retrieved your bags for you and we've put everything in the closet. Get changed and come downstairs for breakfast when you're ready!- Oliver"

I smiled to myself and walked to the closet, opening the door. My bags were on the floor, still zipped up. I leaned down and picked up the one with my clothes in it.

"More T-Shirts..." I mumbled.

To my surprise, I realized I had packed my favorite sweater in the very bottom. It was a warm, navy blue one with white polka-dots on the front. I smiled, pulling it out, along with a pair of skinny jeans. I quickly got changed, still careful of my shoulder, and headed for the door.

I was on the second floor. I closed the door quietly behind me and started walking. The whole foyer smelled like pine and warmth. There was a noise above me and a door opened and closed. Heavy footsteps were heard and I saw someone make their way down the steps leading to the third floor. It was a young man, maybe a little older than me. He was fit and well toned. The only reason I could tell this, was because all he had on was a red flannel (open, I might add) and white gauze bandages wrapped around his ribs.

Apparently I was staring for too long. He cleared his throat.

"Morning..." He said in a low but quiet voice. He wore a serious expression and his hair was a golden blond, pulled back into a short pony tail. He had aviators pulled up onto his head, and he wore baggy jeans like the other guy.

"YAAAAAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard from upstairs. Suddenly, someone ran off the third floor steps and jumped, clinging to the blond guy's back.

Speaking of the other guy...

He wrapped his legs around the blond guy's torso and flashed a toothy grin. The other one, however, was not as pleased. He growled and flipped him over his back, over the railing. The dark haired one screamed and fell to the floor of the foyer downstairs. He landed on his back and stayed there, staring straight up at the tall ceiling. He let out a low moan and took a few breaths.

"Dude!" I shouted, looking at the blond one. "You could've killed him!"

He let out an amused huff and rolled his eyes.

"This happens at least once a week... Just when he's willing to piss me off."

There were frantic footsteps from somewhere downstairs, and soon enough, Oliver came running out of a door. His eyes were wide when he saw the guy on the floor.

"ALLEN! MATT! YOU BOTH KNOW BETTER! WE HAVE A GUES-" He stopped when he saw me standing on the second floor balcony. I waved a bit sheepishly. He sighed.

"I'm terribly sorry, Poppet... My boys can get out of hand sometimes..." He said quietly, glaring at the one standing beside me. He held his hands up in defense.

"Don't blame me, he's the one that made the first move..."

I snickered to myself. He grinned a bit and walked down the stairs. I followed and watched Oliver help Allen off the floor. Matt rolled his eyes and opened the double doors to a fancy dining room. Oliver grinned and Allen stumbled to the door in a loopy daze.

"Matt, be a dear and show our guest to the table while I get breakfast. Oh and... Help your brother to the table too..." He said, a bit quietly.

He walked out and Matt gestured to the door.

"This way, Chickadee."

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