Chapter 12

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*Lori's POV*

I slept in till noon the next day. I was so exaughsted from running around the night before. I was awoken by a light knock on the door.

"Poppet?" Said a muffled voice.

"Come in." I sleepily mumbled.

The door opened and Oliver walked in, carrying a cup of tea. He smiled, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I brought you something. It helps for energy! And you seem pretty tired..." He handed me the cup and I sat up a bit, taking it and thanking him.

"This is really nice Oliver, thank you..." I said quietly, smiling and sipping a bit. He nodded and jumped up, looking out the door, and finally closing it, walking back over to me.

"Alright... Give me the details." He said happily, sitting cross legged on the foot of the bed, sparkles dancing in his eyes. I laughed a bit.

"Oliver, it wasn't anything bad-" I began.

"Oh, but I do enjoy a good first date story. There's just... A lack of romance here..." He said, a bit dissappointed. I sighed and smiled a bit, sitting cross-legged as well.

"Well... If you must know..." I said jokingly. He smiled and listened attentively.

For the next hour, I gave him the details of that evening. From the skating fiasco to the cock block near the end. He rolled his eyes.

"Gosh dang it Allen... O-oh, pardon my french!" He exclaimed. I smiled and shook my head.

"Oliver, you're one of the best friends I've ever had." I said with a small chuckle. He looked a bit shocked at first.

"I-i'm... A friend? Your friend?" He asked quietly. I smiled and nodded. A small smile slowly grew on his face and he hugged me.

"I've never been called a friend before..." He mumbled.

I hugged back tightly. This nearly broke my heart.

"Ahem..." Someone said from the door. We looked up and Francois was standing there in silence. He gave us a small wave.

"Allen a appelé. Il détruit voltre Jeep. Voulez-vous venir avec moi pour le faire?" He asked quietly. Oliver's eyes widened and he quickly nodded.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Allen wrecked the Jeep last night. Francois and I will be back later, we have to go and get him. I hope you don't mind staying... Here with... Matt..." He mumbled the last words. You could see the wheels in his head spinning. He grinned devilishly at me. I knew what he was up to.

I sighed and waved goodbye, wanting them both out. They left and I could hear the pick up truck starting and finally leaving after a few minutes. I stood up, closing the door and getting changed into some skinny jeans and a nerd T-Shirt. I put one of my beanies on, feeling too lazy to do anything with my hair. Feeling satisfied, I walked out and down the little balcony, walking downstairs. It was so quiet.

I pulled out my phone and quickly got on Youtube, putting on one of my favorite playlists. Soon enough, the sound of The Offspring began playing, making me feel less lonely. I wandered into the kitchen, putting on some coffee and pulling some eggs out of the fridge to make breakfast.

After cracking them, I had began to get into the song more. Before I knew it, I was dancing to the Offspring in the kitchen and cooking eggs at the same time. It was all great fun, until I turned around to see Matt staring at me in the door way. Needless to say, I fell on my ass out of fright after bumping into the counter and fridge.

He chuckled, walking over and giving me a hand, helping me up. I was flustered and brushing myself off. He got a cup of coffee and sat at the counter, sipping it.

"So... Did you have fun last night?" He asked quietly, taking another sip.

I smiled a bit and nodded.

"Yeah actually... It was great! I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime." I said happily, cooking the eggs. He smiled.

"Well that's good... Oh... And I'm sorry about... Allen..." He trailed off, sipping more.

I turned around, shaking my head.

"Hey, don't worry about it. He didn't ruin any of the fun..."

The eggs were done now. I got out two plates, splitting them with him and handing him some. He smiled.

"Hey, thanks Chickadee!" He said softly, taking a fork and starting on them. "Hey... These are really good! What do you use?" He asked with a half-full mouth.

I smiled a bit. "Garlic salt. I always like my eggs with a bit of flavor."

We continued our breakfast until we were finished. I went to take the plates to the sink, but he stopped me.

"I'll get them." He said simply, standing up and taking them to the sink. I smiled and thanked him. I walked over to the counter, taking the seat beside his.

"So, Chickadee... You have plans tonight?" He asked quietly with his back turned, putting the plates in the sink and washing them. I smiled and shook my head no, even if he couldn't see it.

"Nope... I mean... I stay in my room all evening and I have no friends here, other than you guys. So... I'm always free." I finished, laughing.

He smiled and nodded, turning back around to look at me when he was done cleaning the plates.

"How about we go someplace to eat... I know a really good place that has the best poutine in all the town." He said with a smile.

I nodded. "Sounds good. You're really cool for taking me to all these neat places... This is the most fun I've had in a while."

"No problem... It's nice to have someone around with a brain-"

The front door slammed open and Allen's voice could be heard, cutting Matt off.


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