Chapter 6

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*Lori's POV*

I sat in the kitchen, spinning around on a leather barstool, staring at the wall blankly. Oliver hadn't been back for about fifteen minutes now.

I heard a small noise and I looked over to see the door had opened. I was excited for a moment, wanting to see Oliver so I could talk to him, but instead Allen walked in. I turned back around, a bit dissapointed.

"Hey..." He mumbled when he walked by me. He mumbled something else when he grabbed a coke out of the fridge but I didn't hear it.

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't hear-" I began quietly.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled louder. He turned around and sat on the stool beside me and opened his drink. "You know... Sorry? That word that lets someone know you're apologizing??" He said a bit angrily.

I felt a bit bad and looked the other way.

"Um... Y-you're fine I guess?..." I said awkwardly. "What made you apologize so quickly?" I asked quietly.

He frowned and growled a bit. I was about to say sorry again, but stopped when he held his hand up. I flinched a bit but realized he was reaching for his aviators. He took them off and revealed a black eye.

I stared a bit in shock and he finally huffed and put his glasses back on.

"Stupid Canadian prick..." He mumbled.

The door opened again and I turned to see Matt walking in. His shirt was buttoned and his jeans seemed to fit better than Allen's. He walked over to the coffee machine and poured a cup. He picked up a bottle of syrup and poured a bit in the black coffee.

Allen had stood up already and walked out the door, grumbling. Matt sat down where he was and stared straight ahead, sipping his coffee.

The silence was kind of nice at first, but after a while, I felt a bit uncomfortable.

"S-so... Oliver tells me you love it here..." I say quietly, trying to make conversation.

He nodded and took another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah... Great place. Really quiet..." He took another sip.

I nodded and stared out the window. The snow had lightened up a bit. He had a faint smile on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but just as he spoke, Oliver walked in.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long, Pop- Oh! Matt! Thank you for keeping her company!" He said kindly, patting Matt on the head. Matt shrugged and smiled a bit. He stood up and put his coffee cup in the sink.

"I'll be outside Mom..." He mumbled quietly, walking out.

Oliver was about to pull him back, but the door had closed already. He turned back to me and smiled.

"Did he talk to you?"

"Yeah, actually... He talked a bit. Oh Allen came in too, but... He had a black eye..." I trailed off. Oliver snickered.

"Thank Matt for that one. He tends to be protective of people. Either that, or he just felt like Allen was being a negative Nancy again." He smiled.

I smiled a bit and nodded.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. He looked around and finally sat down.

"Well... What were your plans today, Poppet?" He asked, cheerfully. I shrugged.

"I-i don't know... I hadn't really planned on doing anything... Maybe help you around the house, or reading some of those books in my room..."

He giggled. "Oh, I DO love them. My favorites are the works of Charles Dickens!" He exclaimed.

A faint door was heard closing and he looked around.

"I suppose he's going to the lake..." He mumbled.

I nodded, staring off into space and thought. He waved his hand infront of me.

"Poppet?" He asked.

I shook my head a bit and smiled.

"Sorry. I zone out sometimes." I said quietly.

By this time I remembered what had happened about an hour ago.

"H-hey... Oliver, if you don't mind me asking... What happened with that one guy earlier?" I asked in a soft voice, not wanting him to be upset again.

"O-oh... H-he gets rude at times... Sometimes violent... But h-he's quite alright Poppet... No need to worry! He's still part of the family here..."

Even though he ended it a bit cheerfully, you could still see a familiar sadness in his eyes. I just nodded, not wanting to upset him anymore.

He checked his watch and his eyes widened.

"Oh deary me, I have to pick up something in town today!" He exclaimed, getting up and running through the house. "I'm sorry Poppet, but I have to go alone. I'll be back soon! Help yourself to anything, this is your house too afterall!"

He ran around grabbing his jacket and keys, and rushed out the front door, getting into a light colored Jeep and leaving. I looked around, unsure of what to do.

I wandered around the house, admiring how tall the ceilings were and how beautiful everything was set up. As I walked near the back of the house, I began to hear a slight scraping sound.

"What the..." I mumbled to myself, looking around. I searched until I passed a window. Stopping, I looked out and saw someone on the lake.

It was Matt. He was skating and hitting pucks into a practice goal set up on the ice. It didn't look like he had missed one yet.

"Stupid maple jockey... Always wanting to do something outside. He never shuts up about it. Well when he's talking that is." Allen said behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

He just chuckled.

"What's wrong? Jumpy? Get over it." He said darkly. I frowned and turned back around, ignoring him. He grabbed my shoulder again and I winced. He roughly pulled me around and got in my face.

"You're here temporarily. Don't think you're safe for long... You're not. Oliver is nice to you. Matt is alright. Francois doesn't give two shits. But me? I can end you in a fucking sec-"

He was interrupted by a hockey puck flying through the window, hitting the left side of his face. He fell against the wall, holding his jaw.

"Son of a BITCH!!" He shouted out of rage.

When it came to angry people, it never worked out well. I ran for it. Up the stairs and into my room. Closing the door, I immediatly locked it, setting down on my bed and finally relaxing.

At least I have time to read, right?

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