Chapter 9

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*Lori's POV*

A week had passed and Matt was feeling much better. Oliver drove him to the hospital to get surgery early in the morning and I was just walking aimlessly at home. I was in the kitchen when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered casually.

"Lori! How are you, sweetie?"


"I-I.. uh, I'm good. D-dad, there's something I need to talk to you about..." I said, my voice faltering.

"Sure, anything!"

I couldn't just tell him I lived with murderers. Just saying it made me sound insane. They were good people, believe it or not. Well... Most of them anyway.

"Could you send me some things? I-I thought it was high time I moved out, ya know? I found a place up here..." I said with a quiet voice, hoping for the best.

"B-but..." He began. "You'll come back to inherit the business.. right?"

I did a small mhm.

"Y-yeah, you know I will." I smiled a bit. He was quiet for a bit and then cleared his throat.

"Alright sweetie, what do you need?"


By the time Allen actually got up and walked out of his room, it was noon. He grumbled and walked into the kitchen where I had just finished making lunch. He sat down on a stool at the bar and his head fell, slamming aginst it in boredom.

Wihout saying anything, I slid a bowl of salad and some chopped cucumbers with salt in front of him. He looked up and he raised an eyebrow.

"The hell is this?" He mumbled.

"Salad and some cucumbers to snack on. You're a vegan, right?" I asked, making my own plate of mac and cheese with some chopped cucumbers on the side.

He nodded, confused.

"Um... Well yeah..."

I sat down across from him and snacked on my lunch. We ate in silence and after a while, Oliver pulled in the garage.

He walked inside the inn and took his snow-covered coat off, hanging it up. He smiled, walking in the kitchen.

"Hello boys!" He exclaimed happily. He stopped and corrected himself. "I-i mean children. Sorry! It's usually just Allen and Matt." He smiled, sheepishly.

"How's he holding up, Mom?..." Allen asked quietly.

Turns out Allen wasn't all that bad. It took a while for him to actually show it, but deep down, he cared about his brother.

"He's fine. The doctor said that he'd be under the knife for... About ten hours I believe. In the mean time, i was thinking we could throw a party!" He smiled. Whenever there was a party being planned, you could always guess whose idea it was.

Allen jumped up.

"With booze??" He asked excitedly. Oliver frowned and sighed.

"Sure... Whatever you'd like." He mumbled. Allen grinned and ran off as quickly as possible. I raised an eyebrow.

"You ok, Oliver?" I asked quietly. He shrugged.

"Yes... It's just that he'd bring alcohol anyway, so what's the use of stopping him? Also, Francois and Matt drink so he'll want to as well..." He mumbled.

"Does Matt drink as much as Allen?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"No, good heavens no. Allen usually gets hammered and Matt drinks one or two beers... He's the one that breaks up Allen's bar fights, you see..." His head rested on his hand as he leaned against the counter. I didn't want him to feel down now.

"Hey! Come on Oliver, chin up! We can still throw a good party! Come on, I'll help you!" I smiled. He looked up and flashes of pastel pink and blue spun around in his eyes. He grinned and jumped up.

"Right you are poppet! This way!"

He rushed me down the hall to a door beside the bathroom and opened it. It looked like the basement as we walked down the stairs. Looking around the new room i saw that it was styled differently than the rest of the house. Upstairs, it was lumberjack/woodsy. Down here, it was minimalist and professional. Colors of beige and burgandy surrounded me. The only thing that looked different was a metal door by the computer desk.

Oliver had already rushed over to a closet door and opened it up, dragging out box after box and sorting through them. He found what he was looking for minutes later and exclaimed.

"Found it, Poppet!" He smiled and held up a raggedy card board box with a bunch of maple leaf cut outs and streamers. I raised an eyebrow and sorted through it.

"Oliver... When was the last time you used these?" I held up maple leaf birthday hats.

"Hmm... Well... OH! His tenth birthday party!" He smiled.

I sat there with a poker face. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but in some way, I knew Matt wouldn't enjoy this...

"O-oliver... Maybe... I could suggest something?" I said quietly. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows.

"Go right ahead, Poppet."

I thought for a second.

"Maybe... Matt's a bit too old for this stuff..." I said quietly. "I think he'd like something a little more his age..." I trailed off. He thought about it and finally nodded.

"Alright Poppet, what do you have in mind?" He smiled.

"Maybe... Good music, good food, turn some lights off, and turn a few colored lights on... That sound alright?"

He nodded.

"Of course Poppet! I'll start making the food!" He jumped up and ran out, leaving me down there. I smiled and got up, making my way up the stairs. Just as I walked out, I could've sworn I heard a metal door slam.

"Hey, what do you like to drink?" Allen asked as he passed me, his hand full of different bottles of alcohol.

I shrugged.

"Haven't really had anything honestly.."

He laughed and walked off. I raised an eyebrow and walked to find Oliver. He was in the kitchen, knee deep in cake batter, appetizer recipes, and maple syrup. I laughed.

"Oliver, you need some help? You look like you multitasking five times as much as a regular person should be." I smiled.

He shook his head and laughed.

"No no Poppet, I've got this under control!" He exclaimed, continuing to cook.

I nodded and walked off, finally finding myself outside looking at the snow. Wow, it never stops here... I sat down on the porch and smiles as snowflakes fell on my boots. The door opened and Allen poked his head out.

"Hey, my laptop's upstairs in my room. Get on Youtube and make a playlist that's party worthy. You have..." He checked his watch. "Ten hours." He went back into the house and I got up, walking nack inside and upstairs to his room.

It was a wreck.

Dirty dishes and clothes everywhere, stains were on the floor and wall I don't even want to begin to think about, and I think I heard a cat meow somewhere. I trudged over to his laptop and logged on. Going to Youtube I quickly scanned through songs. Party worthy, eh?

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