Chapter 7

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*Lori's POV*

After a couple of hours, the yelling finally stopped. I had heard a lot. Lots of crashes, lots of screams, and finally, lots of panic.

A soft knock sounded on the door after everything had settled down. I quickly got up and peeked out. It was just Oliver.

"Hello Poppet." He smiled.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked in a hushed voice so no one else would hear me. He shook his head.

"No, they just get into it at times... I was going to ask you for a favor actually..."

"Yeah, anything." I said, stepping out of my room a bit more.

"I need to run to town and get more bandages. Allen's coming with me and Francois is unavailable. Could you watch Matt?" He asked with a slight desperation to his voice. I quickly nodded, not wanting to stress him.

"Yeah sure," I began. He led me up the stairs. "Is he alright?" I asked curiously.

He opened the door for me to see. I let out a small gasp and covered my mouth.

He was laying in bed with an IV hooked up to his wrist. He was asleep and I could hear a small heart monitor somewhere in the room. He had bloody bandages covering his left shoulder.

"I-is... Is this from them arguing earlier??" I questioned, panicking. He quickly shook his head.

"O-oh, no Poppet! They do this all the time!"

"N-no, this was my fau-"

"Poppet." He said strictly. I stopped and looked at him. "You didn't do this. It was a mere coincidence... Anyway, I just need you to set in there in his desk chair and watch him. If anything goes wrong, just get Francois. He's in the basement, working. Ta ta!" He said happily, closing the door.

I stood there awkwardly, looking around. There were hockey posters everywhere and multiple photos and leaves pinned on the walls. I sat down at the desk chair and saw that the TV was turned on. It was on a live hockey game.

Granted, I new nothing about hockey, but it seemed like he was obsessed. This whole room was clearly Canadian... His bedspread was literally the Canadian flag.

His room wasn't really messy, but mostly neat. You could actually see the floor. I looked out the window and saw that he had a perfect veiw from his desk. He could look at the lake and not leave the house.

A couple hours passed and they still weren't back. I began to wonder how far the town actually was. I had gotten consumed in the stupid hockey game so much that I began to doze off. I rested my head on my hand on closed my eyes, falling asleep to the rythmic beat of the monitor.

"Daddy Daddy!" I shouted. "Catch me!"

He laughed and ran over, catching me when I jumped off the monkey bars. I giggled and felt like I was flying. A familiar jingle was heard and he sighed and sat me down on the ground.

"One minute, Lori." He sighed and answered. "Hello? Yes sir, I'll have them done by this evening. Yes sir! Alright, they'll be on your desk by morning."

I huffed and rolled my eyes, listening to him drone on and on about stupid reports and files.

"Daddy-" I began.

"Not now sweetie."

"B-but Daddy-" I began again.

He gave me a glare and I knew I was out of place. I teared up and walked away, going back to the playground.

I woke up a bit later with a start. My cheeks were wet, telling me I was crying in my sleep. I sighed and wiped them away.

"You ok, Chickadee?" I heard a quiet voice ask. I turned around to see that Matt was awake.

"Y-yeah... Just a bad dream I guess... How's your shoulder?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Sore... But I've had worse... Allen thought it'd be funny to bust my shoulder with a nail-covered baseball bat." He mumbled at the end. "You missed the end of the game. Montréal Canadiens won." He said, staring at the TV.

I nodded. "Cool... Do you like that team?"

"Favorite team, actually..." He said, pointed to one of the hockey posters.

I saw a pair of ice skates in the corner, along with a few hockey sticks.

"Have you ever played on an actual team before?" I asked. He nodded.

"Used to a long time ago... At the rec center in town... I'll take you sometime, it's fun."

I blushed a bit, but not enough for him to notice. Or at least I thought so.

"Hey, can you help me sit up really quick?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah sure, hold on." I stood up and walked over, putting a hand behind his back and holding the other one out for support. I helped him sit up, and winced. I felt a pain in my shoulder and remembered that his arm wasn't the only one that was injured.

He handed me an icepack he had by the bed.

"Here, hold it to your shoulder for a few minutes. It helps."

I did as he said and smiled when the pain melted away. I heard a faint car door shut and knew that they were back.

"Well... I guess they're back." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah... They are." He said quietly, looking at his hands. "Listen, I want to say thanks... You know, for watching me and all..." He seemed a bit embarrassed from the blush on his face.

I gave a soft smile and nodded.

"Hey, no problem. It was fun passing out to a hockey game." I said jokingly. He had a hint of a smile on his face.

The door opened and Oliver rushed in.

"Here you are, dear! I got bandages, splints, more bandages- Oh! Hello, Poppet! Have you guys had fun?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it was kinda fun. Babysitting always came easy for me." I joked, making Matt huff and Oliver giggle.

"Oh Poppet, I can't thank you enough. Let's say you head downstairs to the kitchen and set the table while I get him out of bed for dinner!" He smiled.

I was surprised. Was it that late already? I checked the clock on Matt's wall and saw that it was around 6.

"Sure!" I smiled and walked out of the room. Allen was walking out of his room at the same time.

"Move." He mumbled, rather loudly. I nodded and got out of his way, mumbling a small sorry.
"Allen-" Matt began from inside his room. It sounded like a growl.

"Fuck off." He said simply, holding his middle finger up, without looking back, walking down the stairs.

Needless to say, I was afraid to go downstairs now.

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