Chapter 18

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Brendon was sitting on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows on the top of his thighs and his eyes glued to the television intently. He was watching as the E! News anchor talked all about his wife's confession, even going to the extent of showing a clip of it. As for his son, Ryan was sitting on the floor, hitting the floor with a colored plastic ring he didn't know what to do with.

"...I don't know why he would such a thing," Elisa confided in the interviewer, her voice shaky from crying, "I just...I know he didn't like him after, you know, but I never...I never suspected that he'd tried to kill him."

"How do you know it was him for sure, though?" The interviewer inquired, crossing their leg over the other and playing with the random pen they had in their hands.

Elisa sniffled and wiped her eyes with a tissue the cameraman provided her, "I know it was him for sure because Pete, Patrick's friend - or supposed to be friend - told me. He said he saw it himself. Walked in right as it was happening."

"Is that so?"

She nodded her head yes.

Brendon scoffed in disbelief and jumped to his feet, snatching the remote up and turning off the television. The second the TV went black, the front door clicked open and Elisa stepped through the threshold, Declan discarding his backpack as quick as possible and running up to his bedroom. Elisa heaved a sigh and bent down, picking up his backpack and hanging it up on the hook.

Brendon emerged from the living room, and instead of greeting her with the usual "Hey, hon" and kiss on the cheek, he kept his distance and yelled, "What the hell were you thinking!?!"

Her face fell. She knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I told you I wasn't ready to come out to the press! And what do you do? You come out to the press!" Before she could interject, he continued, "And not only did you come out to the press, you told them that Pete witnessed it himself!"

"Brendon, you have to understand..."

"Understand what!?!" He shouted, a combination of anger and fear boiling up inside of him, "Understand that you've totally screwed us over? Because when the press harasses Pete about seeing what happened, he's going to tell them he didn't and that Patrick's innocent! And you know what's going to happen? People are going to believe him because he's Pete fucking Wentz and he knows what we did, Elisa. He knows! And then he's-"

The singer was cut off when his head was jerked to the side, a stinging sensation growing in his cheek. He brought his hand up and cupped his reddening cheek in the palm of his hand, his jaw dropped in astonishment as he tried to the rub the pain away.

"You need to calm down, Brendon," Elisa muttered under her breath, her jaw clenched, "We got away with the Sarah thing, we can get away with this."

"But don't you get it?" He asked, a little less excited than he was before, "If we just let things go, we would've gotten away with it. I didn't want to come forward for this exact reason. Because now Pete's going to tell them the truth, tell them what we did and then everyone's going to find out that we're liars. That we lied about what happened that night and that we lied about what happened four-five years ago. I don't even know how long it's been since then because it seems like yesterday that I strangled Sarah to death. Because there's not a day that goes by that I'm not haunted by my mistake."

Elisa was struck silent, not knowing what to say.

To break the silence that had blanketed over the two of them, Ryan had fallen down from trying to climb up on the couch and hit his head on the coffee table, bursting into tears. Brendon shook his head in disgust and walked back into the living room, where he picked up the crying baby and held him close, bouncing on the balls of his feet and trying to comfort him. 

Patrick's ex-wife heaved a sigh and stepped into the doorway between the room and the front hallway, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the threshold, "Brendon, I just wanted this to work out."

The corner of Brendon's lip curled up. "Wanted us to work out," He repeated sarcastically, slowly turning around to face Elisa, "You haven't wanted us to work out since the minute Patrick was released from that goddamn prison."

She tilted her head down, not responding.

"See? You can't even deny it, not even if you tried." He walked over to her and looked her directly in the eyes, "There's a bomb about to explode, Elisa, and in trying to save our sorry lives, you cut the wrong wire." And with that, the singer pushed past her and escaped into the kitchen.

She glanced back over her shoulder and bit her lip, tears wavering in her eyes.

...I hope this comes back to bite you in the ass...In fact, I know it will...I'll make sure of it...Mark my words...

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