Chapter 6

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Pete had invited over Joe and Andy to talk to them about Patrick, and while he was waiting for them to arrive, he was pacing back and forth in the foyer, running a hand through his hair as he tried to straighten his thoughts out.

To snap him out of the daze he had fallen into, Bronx ran down the stairs, being chased by Saint dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. "Dad! Make him stop!" He cried as he jumped the last few steps and swung around the banister, darting past his dad and into the kitchen. As for Saint, he took his time getting down the stairs, since he was still sliding down them on his butt as opposed to walking down them.

"I'm Raphael, Daddy!" Saint exclaimed, his voice slightly muffled by the turtle mask covering his face.

"No, you're Saint, silly," Pete told him with a slight chuckle as his son reached the bottom and got back on his feet.

"Not today!" He replied before running in the direction Bronx had escaped in.

Just as Saint disappeared around the corner, the doorbell rang. Pete spun around and approached the door, undoing the locks and pulling the door open. Standing on the porch were Andy and Joe, smiling when they saw Pete.

"Hey guys, come in," The bassist greeted his two other band members, stepping aside to let them in.

"What'd you want to talk to us, Pete?" Joe inquired as he closed the door behind them.

"I wanted to talk to you about everything that's happened," He answered them quite seriously, directing them into his living room. The drummer and the guitarist exchanged a quick glance before going into the room and sitting down on the couch. Pete sat down across from them and folded his hands in his lap.

"So what about what's happened do you want to talk about?" Andy questioned.

"I think I know who tried to kill Brendon," Pete confessed. The two other band members' eyes grew wide.

"Who?" Joe asked.

Before Pete could tell them who he thought it was, his two sons ran through the room, Saint still chasing after Bronx.

"Dad! I thought I told you to make him stop!" The older of the two screamed before dashing out of the room, the younger following him in hot pursuit.

"Is he...?" Joe began to ask when Pete rolled his eyes.

"Yes. He's dressed as Raphael and chasing Bronx around the house," Pete explained briefly, "But let's not focus on that. What we need to focus on is that I'm pretty sure it was Patrick who tried to kill Brendon."


Pete nodded his head.

"What do you mean Patrick's the one who tried to kill Brendon?" Andy questioned.

"It just makes sense, guys," The bassist leaned forward, "I mean, Patrick's not typically someone to do something like this-"

"Well, he killed Sarah..." Joe recalled.

Pete shook his head, "That's the thing, though, I don't think he did. He had no reason to. But this time...this time's different. Brendon took everything away from him - his wife, his son, his place in the band...wouldn't you be pissed too if someone came in while you were gone and took everything away from you that you cared about?"

"But was Patrick even there that night?" Andy retorted.

"Yes," He answered, standing up, "Because I invited him there. I wanted him to come with my kids and spend the night with us. I know he was there, I just don't know where he was when...when Brendon was stabbed." Pete scratched behind his neck.

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