Hello to anyone who is reading this, I was sent by ReligiousPeace to make a chapter concerning my religion. I look forward to teaching people of a new side of the religious spectrum.
I am sure most of you know what it means to be an atheist, but for those that don't know, or perhaps think they do but actually don't, an atheist is someone that doesn't believe in a deity, or a higher power. This in fact does include the devil, as much as many people don't believe it. Now I can pretty much say with certainty that a vast majority of potential readers do not know what Luciferianism is, that or they have a misguided opinion. There are different denominations, but I would like to focus on atheistic luciferianism because that is what this chapter is supposed to be about. While I cannot speak on behalf of all luciferians, I can speak on behalf of myself. For me, lucifer is symbolic, he represents knowledge, independent thought, balance, and voicing and fighting for your opinion if you think something is wrong. I do not mean fighting literally, btw. And I realize that my religion certainly isn't for everyone, I am here to voice my opinion on religion and educate others on a less heard of religion, and gain more tolerant people hopefully in the process.
Now for the second part of my chapter, I would like to talk about some issues concerning religion and how I believe others can help out. I have experienced a lot of hate because of my religion, in fact teachers used to tell me that I couldn't choose my own religion until I was 18 and out of the house. One of my current teachers thinks I am a devil worshipper (which I can't be, seeing as I don't believe in deities) and I am quite sure she is scared of me. Some other kids have voiced their fear of my knowledge of different religions, some MUCH more than others. But I am not here to throw a pity party, in fact I hate the sound of a pity party. I just want people to know that kids can be quite ignorant and hurtful, as well as adults. Sometimes my sister says that if I kept my mouth shut, than I wouldn't have gotten myself into those situations, but it feels amazing being open about it, and I wouldn't change a thing (except for that time where I started saying random facts. I could live without that memoryXD).
Now on to some happier, hopefully less sentimental stuff from me, how we can solve this issue. Well, first of all, be more tolerant of others. And not because "the bible says I should." (I'm only saying the bible because I tend to hear this kind of thing from ignorant Christians, but it applies to everyone as well). Do it because you don't want to be that person on the losing side of the war, realizing you were wrong too late, and being mocked because of that. Come join tolerant people (if you're already here, a big CONGRATS), it's a lot more fun here. And if you are not going to stop doing it JUST because of your religion, don't tell someone else about it, it is very condescending, it only shows ignorance, and that you don't REALLY know what you're saying. Let's take some steps (I'm looking at you, on the couch over there. Get up and walk!) and go towards a more accepting, and at the very least more tolerant place to live in.
Thank you potential readers for bearing with me,
Lucifer666666666 (ironic username I know).If it is ok, I'd rather not reveal my real name. I have only revealed it to 2 people on wattpad, and I need to actually know you a little bit before I tell you. Better luck next time?
Religion Around the World #FreeReligion
SpiritualHello to everyone who has taken the time to read this! This book is dedicated to what people call a 'campaign' on freeing religious conflict. Though hate is something we cannot control nor will we ever stop, we as a group will try to bring together...