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-Two weeks later-

Bring! I scrambled to the phone to pick it up, hoping, praying it would be Tara. I've developed a habit of doing that.

Ever since Tara went missing twi weeks ago, my nerves have been fried. I don't know if she's dead or alive, if she was raped or stabbed, if she's ok...

"Hello?" my voice quavers.

"Ms. O' Hera?" Not Tara.

"Yes, that's me."

"I'm from the Police Department. We believe we may have found your daughter's body."

Not Tara, Tara's body. The phone slipped out of my hand and hit the ground with a bang. Somehow, I was on my knees. Tears were flowing heavily down my cheeks.

She was dead. My little girl was dead.

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