Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
The week passed without much to do, Lynn sulked on the bed the whole week. She couldn't bring the image of Aaron's shirtless form out of her mind. She wanted so bad to hug him just by seeing his face, she didn't know what she'd end up doing if he came any closer, so she did the only thing she though was easy and ran. She was furious at herself for being such a coward, but she couldn't hear no from Aaron, he was too precious to her to let him go that easily, and so she ignore him, just to keep this topic shut.
She finally decided to treat herself with some chocolate ice cream and went down to the mall to find her favourite ice cream store, on Friday evening.
All week she kept her phone switched off or on flight mode to avoide Aaron and used the house's cordless to be in contact with her mother. She had told her mother everything, and her mother had told her, "I believe in your decisions, I know you're a grown up girl now, so whatever you decide, I'll be by your side, just remember to keep me updated" Marie said with a little chuckle in the last part.
She slowly made her way towards the departmental stores to buy herself some candies, Lynn had this theory that 'Sweets could literally solve World Wars and all other global issues, then a teenage girls mood swings were nothing'.
As she came out of the store with almost every type of candy that the store had to offer, she bumped into a hard chest, with all her candy flying everywhere. She landed flat on her butt, and let out a small groan before being pulled up by two strong, firm but cold hands. She looked up to find Ricky, with a smirk on his lips. He was wearing khaki shorts with a white polo shirt, she had to admit, he did look breath-taking.
"PMS-ing now, are we?" he said eyeing all the candy that Lynn had started to collect from the floor. "It's not necessary that all girls eating candy are PMS-ing, you jackass! Some might just like to eat without any reason, you know" Lynn replied, collecting the last candy and standing up. "Oooh! Touché! But what is up your ass this evening, missing me, I suppose?" Ricky had a way with words that never ceased to piss Lynn off.
She simply replied, "Just go to your best friend and don't bother me anymore. I can't believe I went on a date with you" she said nonchalantly, walking away. She heard he mumble, "How does she know he's here with me?, then he shouted at her retreating form, "Hah! I knew you loved him!", she stopped dead on her track, didn't know what to do, but scurried off not looking behind her.

Aaron, was having his own problems here. He had lost all his sleep along with his best friend, it seemed. She hadn't come to school all week, making him sulk all through the classes, all he did was play Badminton, without a single breath to spare, all week, to vent out his frustration. He couldn't believe that a girl was making him do all this crazy sh*t, that too Lynn.
On Tuesday, he realised she wasn't coming to school yet again, so he called Kiara for help. He went home all miserable, thinking, he had to see her or he was gonna become the best case of insomania.
He called her at around 11, after several rings, Kiara's voice boomed through Aaron's phone, "What the hell do you want, Aaron? And if it's one of your pranks, then I swear I'm gonna cut your balls off!". Aaron couldn't help but say, "You sound so much like her, it amazes me sometimes", to which she replies, "That's all you've got to say? You don't wanna know about her? How she is? What she might be doing? How she's dealing with your shitty 'rejection'?" she said the last part with so much venom, Aaron flinched back at her tone.
"What do you mean, I rejected her!? When? She was the one who literally asked me to get out of her house, I wanted to talk to her, but she insisted that I get out, so I did! She's the one going out on dates with Ricky and I rejected her!? Just great!!" he said, as anger rushed through his veins, but he knew it was hurt more than anger that was making him react like this.
"For your information, she went out with Ricky to get over you, without much improvement, I must say. I mean, I haven't seen her so broken ever before, you've made her so weak. She told me about last Friday's party, how she confessed to you all drunk, did you know that she saw you sucking some dumb bimbos face, that's the reason she got drunk in the first place. And about the rejection, well, you were so busy giving her a piece of your miserly mind that you didn't even notice her confession about her love for you, so you just walked off giving her the impression that you freaking REJECTED HER!!!" Kiara shouted the last part, Aaron could here her heavy breathing. Although it was his fault, he couldn't help but smile when he heard Kiara say 'her love for you'.
"I'm so sorry, Kiara! I didn't even hear her say it, what should I do now!? Is she dating Ricky? Hell, I don't even know what to do anymore..." Aaron's voice broke at the last part, Kiara was shell-shocked to hear this man with ego as massive as a whale, ask her for some advice, she broke from her trance and replied, "First of all, just calm down, she isn't dating Ricky, dude, you won't believe but she doesn't even spare other guys a glance anymore, and I know it's because she always has you in her mind. And don't apologise to me, you jackass, go and apologise to her, and try to keep your ego aside while you're doing so", Aaron was thankful that he had Kiara, she always had a solution to his problems, he quickly replied with a short "Thanks, love you, Kira babe, I'v got to go now, bye".
He rushed towards his car with the keys hot in his palms, he had to reach Lynn's place as soon as possible, or else he was gonna chicken out again. He started the engine, and drove at what seemed like god-speed.
He noticed that the front porch's light was off and all the windows and even the door was locked, so he did the only thing he could think of, he climbed up the vine that led to Lynn's bedroom window, as he reached the window, he could hear the shuffling of clothes, he quietly slided open the door, just in time to find Lynn just half asleep and half awake, sprawled on her bed.
She didn't seem to notice his presence, so he made his way towards her. He bent low, kissing her forehead lightly, and saying "I love you, cupcake". After that, he spent a couple of hours looking at her, what he was gonna say, how he was gonna apologise, how he was gonna confess to her, when he couldn't come to a conclusion, he simply left the house, thinking he'd confront her the next day at school when he came face to face with her. Little did he know that she was gonna skip school all this week.
On Friday, he felt sick not being able to see her, and he knew she'd just shut him out if he went to her place, so he decided to go down to the mall along with Ricky, he wasn't very found of Ricky, specially after he found out that Ricky had asked Lynn on a date the day they fell apart, but since he didn't have any other friends other than Ricky, Lynn and Kiara, he had to hang out with Ricky since Kiara would be busy with Dhruv. Ricky asked him to meet up at the mall directly.
What he wasn't prepared to see was Ricky talking to Lynn at the mall as soon as he entered, he lost all his senses as he could feel anger flare up his sleeves. He didn't know whether to walk upto them or just stand and wait, till Ricky came upto him, than ask him. Then he noticed Lynn's pissed off expression, and that was enough to make him walk towards him, but a voice inside his head stopped him, 'Your girl is very independent, you going and taking her side is gonna make her feel even more weak than she already feels, all thanks to your smart-ass'.
So, he just stood there and waited for their conversation to get over. Then he heard Ricky shout, which made him look up to where Ricky was but Lynn no where in sight, "Hah! I knew you loved him", the his eyes find his girl walking away from Ricky, but stops right on her track, but scurries off later. Aaron grins to himself, thinking what Kiara said was true indeed, Lynn had fallen for him, hard.
He spent the whole Friday with Ricky, doing guy stuff like bowling, bike racing, eating junk and then went back home. But all day long, he couldn't get a certain hot-headed girl out of his mind.

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