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I turned my body fully facing towards my mum, who looked like she ran the marathon.

Confusion foiled my body as I tried to think of reasons of why she would be up here and how the hell she knew I was up here in the first place.

"Mum seriously what are you doing here?" I asked curiously squinting my eyes at her I take a good look at her appearance. Her dirty blonde hair was was fuzzy and was sticking up in certain places, she had a frantic look on her face as she bit her bottom lip I between her teeth.

And she's wearing her PJs. Nice one mum.

"Well.. David heard Alpha Leo through pack link that-" her ramblings were not making any sense, I closed my eyes and tried to put the pieces together.

What did does she mean by pack link? And why us she calling Leo alpha Leo ?

"That's enough" Leo's deep voice cut through my mums nervous voice, a shiver ran through my back as I heard his voice.

I turned around to face Leo who looked frustrated he ran his through his in anger as took a deep breath in.

"Every fucking time" Leo growled his cold brown eyes glared down at my mother, I flinched at the glare he was giving mum. He's never been so cold.

"Mum ruins what I have built in a matter of ten fucking minutes then there's you who would do it in a heart beat" Leo had taken a few steps forward making me take slow steps back, liking back slightly I see that mum looks like a deer who's life gave flashed before its eyes.

I licked my lips wanting to say something but every time I tried to talk it was like my voice died out. The feeling if fear seeped into my body as I realised the full effect of Leo being around me, flicking my eyes quickly at my mum I realised its not just me he's effecting.

"You all need to learn your damn place there's only so much I can take before I lose control" Leo stated his hands clenching by his sides.

A sudden rush of anger ran through my body how fucking dare he talk to my mum like she's some sort of peasant ?

My jaw clenched in as I held in my urge to go over there and give him a really hard snack across the face.

"Stay out of it and tell that mutt of yours to mind his own fucking business" Leo snarled angrily his face radiated of pure anger and dominate as he dared mum to say no.

My anger was wiped out in a heartbeat as I knew this could get ugly real quick. Leo could easily hurt the two of us, he lets anger cloud his mind. When that happens Leo's the most violent person on earth.

At that thought my heart begins to beat fast, my palm has become sweaty making me rub my damp hands on the back of top. Fear was dripping slowly into my mind as the feeling of nervousness settled. What is Leo going to do with us ?

My mums small and scared voices broke me out of my trace as I looked at my mother with wide eyes.

"O-ok a-"

She had her head tiled to the left and bared her neck and bowed slightly.

  The fuck?

"Go" Leo's voice demanded his voice seemed more husky as he turned his massive body his back facing in our direction.

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