Chapter 4 ~ Thunderstorm

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Scott's POV
For the last few minutes of the car ride home, I think if the rest of Pentatonix knows. I bring up the courage and ask,"Did you tell the band?" Mitch goes wide eyed. "No, I'll tell them when we get home. Or, do you want to?" I think. "Yes, but not today." Mitch nods and keeps on driving. No one will care if you almost died. Why would they? We finally get home and I rush to the door. "Wyatt!" I yell. He comes over meowing and purring. I lean down to pet him. Mitch enters the apartment and goes to lie down on the couch. He starts whimpering. It's because of you. You make him miserable. I walk over and ask, "hey you ok?" He turns over and sits up, looking down at his feet. He finally looks up and says with a pouty face,"How come you're Wyatt's favorite?" He runs over and picks him up. He marches back to the couch and gives me a playful smirk. I'm happy he wasn't upset about.. Me. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say. I walk in and lock the door. I heard Mitch run over and shout,"no!" He probably doesn't want me to cut again. "I'll be fine!" I yell back. I wasn't gonna do it again. I'll promise him.
Mitch's POV
I don't want him in there, he could cut himself again! Oh no, oh no. Wait, did I clean up my mess before I left? He could find out! After 5 minutes, he comes out. I instantly take his wrists and make sure he didn't cut again. "I told you, I'm fine. I promise I won't do it again," he says. Phew. "Good," I say, "well, we should have some lunch." I head off to the kitchen, still wondering if the razor was still there on the edge of the tub. He didn't bring it up so, I must've picked it up. I take out the hot dogs and rolls. I start boiling some water and make my way to the living room. While waiting, Scott comes back. He sits next to me and hugs me. I hugged back. Neither of us said a word. He pulled away and went to his bedroom. Hmm, that was weird.
30 minutes later...
I finally finished making the hot dogs. "Scott!" I call. He comes over and grabs his plate. "Thank you Mitchy," he says with a smile. I love it when he calls me that. "You're welcome daddy," I respond back. He kisses my cheek and sits at the dining table. I grab my plate and join him. We both eat, in awkward silence. I finally say," how's ur lunch?" "It's delicious," he says in his Miranda voice. We both laugh and finish our hotdogs. We both walk to Scott's room and a thunderstorm starts. Oh no. Bang! I screamed and went up close to him. He hugged me tight.
Scott's POV
I hug Mitch as tight as I could, trying to protect him. We both lie down on my bed. After what seemed like ages, I got up and told him that I needed some water. He's so happy you left him alone. Ugh.. I walk back and Mitch is crying. I rush over, set my glass down, and hug Mitch. He starts screaming. "Travis, stop! I'm sorry! Please don't hit me!" Oh no, he's freaking out. I hug him tight and he screams again," I don't deserve this life!! I don't deserve any life! AHH!!" Bang! He pushes me away and rushes to the bathroom. The rain grows stronger. I run over and Mitch is throwing up his lunch. "I'm so ugly!" He shouts into the toilet. He collapses on the floor. BANG! (n/a the bangs! Are thunder strikes, they are really loud) he curls up in a ball. I clean off his mouth, flush the toilet, and carry him to my room. It's 4 pm now. It feels like 10. I lie us both down and cuddle under the sheets. He strangles my shirt and cries into my chest. His sleeves roll up and I see... scars. I didn't say anything though, I was focused on comforting him. You made him sad. Bang! He starts to calm down, and so does the storm. Pretty soon, we fall into a deep sleep.
Sorry it was so intense at the end, just making it more interesting. I hope you guys enjoyed my story so far, update coming soon, Byee! Stay fcute!! <3

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