Chapter 5: There was a lot of emotions in one dinner

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Mrs. William says, "and you must remember Tyler." Of course I do. He has changed but at the same time he hasn't. He is now taller than me, even in heels. He has the same eyes, the same nose, the same mouth. Even though he still looks like him, I couldn't stop thinking that he now looks more like his dad.

"Hi Dani" he said politely and a bit embarrassed.

"Hi Ty." I said, a little bit hurt but I masked it with a smile.

"You look good" he said.

"Thanks, you too..." I said dully.

"uh, so, how many years has it been?" I said after a while in the same way I talked before.

Even though it hurts, I don't want him to know that I still have feelings for him, I don't want him to have the satisfaction of seeing me hurting over it.

"6 years" he responded, a little bit shocked.

There was a long silence after that, finally Mrs. William spoke. "So, uh, dinner is ready, let's go eat.''

In the dinner, Mr. William sat at the head of the long dinner table, at his right, was his wife and at his left sat my dad and mom. Emily sat beside her mom and beside her was Tyler. I sat down beside my mom which made me be in front of him.

A couple of servants came in and they brought the appetizer, which I love because it was kind of salty but at the same time it was sweet. Basically any food is good.

The servants came to retrieve the plates and came back with delicious looking meat. My plate was a big piece of meat with cesar salad on the side. The first bite was heaven, and the next was better, and so on and so forth. 

When we were eating, my parents and his parents were talking but I was too focussed on my food that I nearly miss when they asked me how I was doing.

"So, Daniela, what are you been up to?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"Well, since freshmen year, I have been on the Volleyball team. It is so good, I love been in it. I love volleyball and our coach teach us a lot. Since this is my last year, I am hoping we could end up in first place this year, better than last." I said with joy clearly in my voice.

"Wow, that is pretty cool," Mr. William said, "and what place did you guys ended up last year?"

"Well, we ended up at third place" I said a little bit sad. "But I know that this year we are going to to take that trophy."

"That's the spirit" Mr. William said.

"Yeah, I hope you guys do!" came a voice from the seat in front of me, Tyler. That was the first time I heard his voice since we began to eat.

I was about to answer when a servant came with a giant cookie of chocolate chips and an enormous scoop of vanilla ice cream. I was already drooling when they set it on the table. I got my spoon, and when I looked up, Mr. William was looking at me with a knowing face that I was basically drooling and said "I remember that this was ONE of your favorite desserts and when I heard you were coming, I order it to make an extra large one. As you can see."

"Thank you so much, Mr. William." I said, "You know that this is heaven for me." After that, I received laughters but it was too late, because I was already devouring it.

When I finished it, I was extremely happy because It was so good, but at the same time sad that it was gone. I was trying to get as much that was left in my spoon. I was so close to lick the plate but then I thought in my manners.

I was so full that if it weren't for my manners, I would unbuttoned my pants. I love feeling like this. That means that the food was delicious and I I ate a lot of it.

"Well, I am full. That was delicious!" I said to everyone once they were done.

"I like that you loved it." Mrs. Williams said while standing up. "Lets us, the adults, go to the living room and Tyler, go catch up on all those years with Daniela!"

We all stand up and all the adults, including Emily, went to the living room, leaving just Tyler and I in there. We made eye contact for what it felt like for ever but I broke it off.

"Well, let's go catch up on all those years, shall we?" I said clearly with little enthusiasm in my voice, although it is fake. All I got from him was a nod and we went through all those halls that contained sad and happy memories of our childhood together. 


Hey Guys!! 

I am so sorry I haven't been updating this story frequently. I am trying to do it faster. However, I hope you guys like this chapter! Please, feel free to vote and comment on whatever you like, I will respond. 


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