Chapter 1

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The capital of the Stedal, the Kingdom of the North.

Known for their exotic and local seafood, the capital was often bursting with life with the hustling and bustling of its citizens as well as tourists. Mercenaries and adventurers were also welcomed, though it was required of them to register at Gentlethorn, the place in charge of keeping the records of all adventurers and mercenaries who pass by. The Gentlethorn also doubled as a public guild; tasks could be obtained there as well as bounty contracts and rewards. Requests could be made at the guild through the submission of the mandatory forms, and if needed, evidence. Magic users and healers were equally sought after and highly respected in the kingdom.

It was said that the ruling family - the prestigious House of Summerhall were magic users themselves, though it was never truly confirmed.

It is here, that in the capital, the tale begins...


Healer Renelle Saunders was perfectly content with her life.

Why shouldn't she be?

She was well-respected and one of the best in her profession, ran an extremely successful business in potions...

Yep, she definitely loved her life.

The female hummed as she seamlessly stirred, mixed and poured liquids into vials with deft efficiency and much practice. She had started working on an experimental potion recently. It would have the purpose of providing the consumer immunization to damage and toxins for a short period of time. Though, it was still in the early stages to tell if it would work or not.

The sound of wind-chimes was heard then, signaling the entrance of a customer.

"Just a minute!" Renelle shouted as she set down her things and wiped her hands clean before leaving the room.

Her lips split into a grin, seeing who it was.

"Hey, Dan."

Aidan, or just "Dan" to those close to him was a knight captain in the royal military. Knight captains had their own divisions, and in his case, he was in charge of the First Division, otherwise known as Primus. Dark hair and dark eyed as well as tall, he was essentially the equivalent of the 'tall, dark and handsome' cliché - much to her amusement and his chagrin. The two of them had met when she had been assigned to help other healers at an outpost in the west a year and a half ago.

"Hey, Elle," Dan grinned.

"Done terrorizing the new recruits already?" Renelle teased as she rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a bag, handing it over to him. "Thirty silvers."

"I resent that," He said, shaking his head with a look of innocence. "I only want the best for them. Honest," Dan claimed as he took the bag and paid her.

"Right, and all the stories are never true," grinned the shopkeeper cum healer. "Now shoo, I need to get back to the lab."

"Yes yes, Mistress Healer," Dan stuck his tongue out and left, leaving the amused female alone.


Renelle awoke with a jerk, her senses screaming at her.

Something was wrong.

The young woman tossed off her covers and pulled out a bag from beneath her bed. Five minutes later and she was dressed in light training armour, a staff was strapped to her back and a bag was slung over her shoulder.


She quickly made her way downstairs, opening it to reveal a sweating knight bearing the symbol of the royal military - a pair of crossed crescent blades etched in a circle of gold. Renelle was familiar enough with the military as she sparred with the recruits once in a while.

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