Chapter 2

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The next day...

'Work, work, work...' inwardly sighed Renelle.

The two of them had had a brief discussion over breakfast, but nothing had come to mind. As the brunette still had to run the shop and work on her potions, it was decided that the mercenary would spend the day trying to get information.

"Have a nice day!" A fake smile was on her face as she waved at the customer who left.

Finally, she could take her lunch break.

Letting out a relieved sigh and dropping the smile, the healer pondered over her options. She could either drop by the mess hall at the barracks or visit one of the taverns, her friends at Gentlethorn (the Guild) or Silverwood (the place where healers – visitors or not generally stayed) or go for the food in the Cerulean Plaza.

Decisions, decisions...

Tavern, Renelle decided. She needed information anyway and where better else to get information than in a tavern? She would go to the most popular one.

The Golden Leaf it was.


With Aya

The blonde-haired elf made her way towards the docks, her cloak flowing behind her as the wind blew.

'No luck so far,' sighed Aya as she ignored the openly leering gazes and scrutinizing eyes on her. The elf was fully aware of how she stood out in the place. Most of the elven population resided in the East or West, the others scattered from North to South.

It wasn't that Valencia didn't welcome elves. It was mostly due to their terrain that not many of them resided in the North. Her kind usually preferred the forests and the mountains, and Astrijan, the East and the West – Usmil had a lot of those. The North – Stedal as a whole, mainly composed of the plains and the seas while the South - Zetrana commanded the dunes and hinterlands.

Her thought drifted back to Tysdale. While the part regarding the bounty had been true – bringing in a serial murderer to the authorities, she had also been sent on an assassination mission. Aya was fully aware that her friend would have disapproved and knew why, which was why she did not mention it. Though, she did feel slightly guilty.

"Well, well, well, what brings the Azure Reaper to these parts?"

The elf turned her face to see a familiar broad-shouldered man with a scarred face, the barest hint of a cool smirk curling on her lips as she greeted him.


"Reaper," He acknowledged as he crossed his arms, his gold eyes directly meeting her blue ones. "Well?"


A slow smile crept towards his face. "Best out of three."

Her eyes gleamed with anticipation as she smirked challengingly, "You're on."


With Aidan

"That'll be all for today." The knight captain's gaze swept across the soldiers. "Good work, everyone."

"Thank you captain!" chorused the troops as they saluted him.


Aidan sighed as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. He really needed a break and proper sleep. Thoughts of the note had been troubling him, and he knew he couldn't let it continue or it would affect his state of mind. He had considered confiding in Renelle, but she was often swamped with work, running a shop and everything. Not to mention, she was one of the best healers and suppliers for potions in the kingdom. His mentor was another option, but as far as the knight captain knew, he was in the West for official business.

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