soulmates ❣ chapter three

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Okay that's all.

After finishing up Laura's video for the day, she decided that maybe right now is a good time to relax as she waited for the video to finish posting. Putting the computer on sleep, Laura turned on her PS4 that had a line of orange light showing, indicating that the console was put to sleep as well. I have time... Laura convinced herself. Grabbing the gaming headphones and her controller, she plugged the HDMI into her laptop because yes, it is possible, then pressed the middle button and awaited for it to turn on.
Finally, she started the game called "Life is Strange." Laura loved how soothing the way the guitar was being played by the artist in the main menu, as if there were no worries in the world. She closed her eyes and listened.
Laura didn't realize she's been spending more time listening to the music rather than playing the actual game. Not that there was anything wrong that. Laura started on "Episode 3: Chaos Theory," at the scene where after Max and Chloe has snuck into the swimming pool. The two girls took off their clothes, leaving them in their under garments, and were now swimming.
      After they finished playing in the water, they finally put their clothes back on. Chloe and Max were talking when suddenly they heard a male's voice asking if anyone's there.

"Run." The punk blue-haired girl whisper-shouted to Max, who was already doing that.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," Laura muttered under her breath. She worked around the locker/shower rooms as she kept using Max's rewind power to rewind time everytime Max was caught by David the security guard, also Chloe's step-douche. Laura's heartbeat intensified as Max neared the exit. She was so close to freedom! Max walked out but was then surprised by Chloe, at the same time Betty walked in the room, giving Laura a heart attack.

"Hey, nerd." Betty greeted Laura with a smirk, well aware that she scared the shit out of Laura.

"Hello, Betty Spielsdorf." Laura growled as she glared at Betty, who just shrugged, and fell asleep. Partying must be hard, Laura thought to herself jokingly as she turned back to the screen. Unpausing the game, Laura forgot about Betty then plunged back into her gaming world, losing all sense in reality.
      Chloe and Max were back at home now, and the time skipped to the morning, with the birds chirping and the sun shining proudly. Max finally woke up before Chloe did. Grabbing her camera, Max decided to take a selfie with Chloe's father, William's, old instant camera. Just as she was about to take the photo, Chloe sat up and yelled, "Photo-bomb!" to which Max replied with "Photo hog." The camera flashed, letting a blank white piece of paper slide out. Immedietely Max took it and was flapping it in the air, in hopes that it would make the photo appear faster.
      Soon Max got up and realized that she was in her underwear and a shirt that she cannot even remember when she wore. Max was about to get her own clothes when she made a remark about how much it reeked of chlorine. Chloe suggested to look in her closet.

"Oh... I don't know, Chloe..." Max said with a really uncertain tone.

"Come on, Max! You gotta let your inner punk-rock out! Get out your comfort-zone. For example..." Chloe trailed off. She tapped her chin as she thought of something daring. "I dare you to kiss me. I double dare you. Kiss me now."

"Fuck yes I will!" Laura yelled as she repeatedly pressed the square button on her controller as she chose the square button that has the "Kiss Chloe" caption right next to it on the screen, getting harder for each time that she presses the button. "Yes...Yes...YES..." Laura's voice started getting louder each time she said the word, while Max grabs Chloe's face, leaning in. "YES!" She screamed, nearly losing her vocal cords as Chloe and Max's lips collided.

"Watch out, Laura, you're starting to sound gay!" Betty joked.

Laura, so completely into the game, wasn't paying attention to her words as she accidentally let it slip out.

"I am!" Laura exclaimed, but only after she realized what she said was when Laura covered her mouth. She hasn't come out to Betty. Or anyone, for that matter.

"W...what?" Betty asked, no longer tired and now entirely focused on Laura, anxious on what her answer is to be.

"I said I-I'm gay..." Laura rephrased. There was an awkward silence that passed through the two women like a tumbleweed out in a desert. After what seemed like an eternity, Betty shot up, as if she lost all her fatigue and tiredness.


"What's the big deal anyways?" Laura asked.

"The big deal is," Betty explained," You finally figured out who you are."

"That's deep coming from someone who just loves to party." Laura retorted. Betty clutched her heart in mock pain as she pretended to be offended. "What are gonna do to celebrate, anyways?" Laura asked. She knew asking that question would lead to something stupid. And Laura was right.

"We're gonna go clubbing!" Betty yelled with glee.
Y'all enjoyed that Life is Strange thingy I mixed in? It's currently my favorite game. Obviously, Laura's gonna ship Pricefield ;) Hope you guys had fun reading this fanfic!!! :D

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