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Okay hi guys, 

I know my updating is fast it's just it's my life, I just add somethings then the rest is true.

Hope you guys like it so far :)




I'm home at last after 2 years being away from this place. It sure been a long time seeing old folks. I landed my suitcase slowly at our terrace.

"Elle?" I followed the voice and it was...

"Reid! Hey it's me, how are you." Reid my childhood friend since child birth guys. There is nothing Reid and I miss in our friendship, but wait geez his taller than me already, and he looks nice.

"You look gorgeous as always, Elle." He spinned me around just like always.

"...and you look taller...I hate it." We laughed at each other.

"Now that's a compliment." He made me sit down on the bench on their terrace.

"I thought you were in LA, what are you doing here?" he asked me while he continues with the washing his car.

"I called the other day at mom's..." I looked at the house then back at him. "There something going you know what it is?" Suprisingly, Reid stopped, he knows.

"You know do you?" I stood up and went towards him getting a sponge and wiped the windows of the car. "I know that look Reid, you know something. What is it?" He dropped the sponge and sat at the hood of the car and looked at me.

"I think I'm not the right person to tell you these things, Elle." I just nodded. Is this thing super heavy that they can't tell me right now?

"Okay...uhmm...I'll just see you later okay? I think I need to have a deep conversation with my parents."

"Yah you should, he later at my backyard I have to give you something. Okay?"
"Okay. See you later." He nods and hugs me again. "Hey I'm sorry okay?" I broke the hug and just smiled. Why was he saying sorry, what am I missing right now?

"Mom, dad, Sofie? Guys?" The house was deliberately quite.

"Sweetie?" Mom came out of the kitchen door. She went towards me and gave me a hug. "What are you doing here, Bri. It's the middle of the semester. You're going to miss your classes."

"...and what mom, miss the things happening here? What's happening mom? I heard crying and shouting at background when I last called."

"It's you sister." I looked back and it was dad, and he looks exchausted. I ran towards him and gave him a tight hug. I missed daddy and mom, our bondings during Friday is what I truly miss.

"What's with Sofie, dad?" mom and dad looked at each other. "Oh come on guys, just tell me."

"She has...cancer, Bri." Cancer, Sofie has cancer. "What cancer, mom?"


"Where is she?"

"Up stairs reading a book." I ran upstairs and when I got to her door. I stopped, what have I been doing. I'm a horrible sister, I didn't even know she had this kind of sickness. I slowly opened the door and I saw Sofie, pale and has a bandana at the head.

"Bri!" My 12 year old sister has a cancer, and I just knew it right now. I tried yet to cry to look strong for her.

"Hi Sof..." I sat down by her side. "Yep I look horrible. Why are you here?"

"That's not important, Sofie. Are you okay?"

"Never better, the question is are you okay?" She I okay? I should have not take the scholarship, I haven't took it, maybe now I'm taking care of her.

"What stage, kiddo?"I lied down at her bed right next to her. Facing the ceiling.

"3." 3 for a year it goes up? "Look I know what your thinking."

"What?" We faced at each other. " Your thinking that you should have not left." She's right, she's always right when guessing when it comes to this things.

"Why did you guys not tell me?" She smirked

"Because of that."

"Of what?"

"You, you're here, if we told you months after you left, which we knew, you could have come back early instead of accepting the scholarship. Look you came back the middle of the semester. I don't want to ruin your future, Bri."

"Your not. I'm a bit angry with all of you not telling me you know?" She hugged me and I kissed her at her forehead. " I'm sorry. I was the one who told them not to." I smiled.

"It's okay, I'm here now I'll take care of you. I bet mom and dad are exhausted in taking care of you." I tickled her.

"Yeah they surely are. Hey have you ate, there's bake mac down stairs. Mom made it." I sat up and look at her with a grin.

"Did you guys know that I was coming and mom cooked baked mac?" she giggled.

"Okay...I'll eat then when I come back I'll show you something." My works, she always loves my works, but after I studied at LA. I may say it improved, studying Multi-Media Arts in LA was my dream, doing movie posters, movie trailers of famous movies, book covers of world class authors were my absolute goals in life. Some are animations, I just dream in working in companies like Disney, Warner Bros. and etc. I just want to live out my dream and have a life that is not put into waste.

I went to my room to put down my suitcase and bag, oh how I miss this room. They didn't touch anything, I know they won't. Small bed over the window quotes and painting I've down on the wall and a small place where I can sit all day long. I miss high-school, I miss being free and wild, and...never mind.

"Bri?" A knock made me sit down on my bed. It was dad. I let him come in and he was holding a plate of baked mac.

"Dad, I was about to get downstairs, you don't have to bring one up." He place the plate on the table and sat beside me.

"Well it's here, and beside let me take care of you, it's been two years. Since you've been gone, your mother and I miss you so much. We're glad that you're here, but not now. Your studying Bri."

"Dad I've talked to my professor." Like left a letter, Bri. "and I told her that just send me all the emails and I will do it. I have to take care of Sofie, dad. You guys didn't even tell me. I just knew when she now stage three? Dad come on why did you guys didn't tell me?"

"We're sorry, kiddo."

"Yah...yah it was Sof's idea and she explain why. I get it. It's alright, but I'm here and I will take care of all of you guys." He was about to speak. "I need's been two years." He smiled.

"Uhmm... dad I need to rest I'll just eat thepasta and I'll take a short rest then I'll show something to Sofie, okay dad?"henodded. "I'm proud of you, Brielle." He whispered to me and kissed my forehead."Thanks dad."-

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