Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to @LostinFantasy13 because she commented first.
First comment gets a dedication again.
Hope you enjoy.

"Happy birthday Jessica!" Everyone yelled.

"Oh my gosh guys you didn't have to do this." I said I sniffed and started crying because someone actually thought of me.

"Hey love don't cry." Niall said hugging me.

"Yeah it's your birthday party you're supposed to be happy." Louis said coming over and patting me on the back.

"I am it's just no one's ever thought of my birthday and celebrated it." I managed to stutter out still emotional.

"Really!? Well you have us now we're your family." Harry said hugging me also.

I flinched away from him he reminded me so much of my boyfriend. He stepped back a hurt look in his eyes. I didn't know what had come over me and I immediately felt bad.

Louis looked between us and noticing the tension pulled us both into a side hug." Well what are we waiting for let's party!" Louis said obviously excited.

"Ok." I said I stepped back fully taking in the scene. We where in a house and there were balloons and a banner that said happy 19th birthday Jessica. There was also a table filled with food and drinks.

"Where do I sit?" I asked looking around.

"Here the birthday girl gets a special seat." Louis said pulling out a big blow up chair from a closet. I giggled and sat in the chair.

"Do you like it?" Liam asked being Mr. Daddy direction.

"Yes Liam who organized this all?" I asked.

"Me!" Everyone said at once.

"Well I did the food." Niall said .

"I did the blow up chair." Louis said happily.

"I did the decorations." Harry said. I was impressed actually that they worked together enough to do this.

"And I basically planned it." Liam said.

"Good job guys I'm really happy you guys remembered and celebrated it." I said.

"Ok we are eating then playing a game then cake and presents." Guess who said. Well I'll just tell you Liam.

"Ok." I got up and was going to walk over to the food table.

"Hey I'll get your food Jess you're the birthday girl after all you should relax." Niall said pushing me into my seat.

"Aww thanks your so sweet Niall." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Aww you guys are so cute together." Louis said making us both blush.

Harry just frowned I wondered what his problem was. I sat back down and waited for Niall.

"Here you go love." Niall came over and handed me a plate.

"Thanks." I said. I looked at my plate. There was pizza and chips. I started eating the pizza it was delicious. The chips were sour cream and onion my favorite. I had just finished eating and set my plate on the ground.

"GAME TIME NOW!" Louis yelled from the couch across from me almost scaring me out of my skin.

"OK Lou you don't need to yell it." I said laughing.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"Ok what are we playing?" I asked anybody.

"Let's play truth or dare." Harry said from beside Louis.

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