Chapter 35

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Him calling me love reminded me of when we first arrived. I thought the boys were such gentleman they always called me love. I kind of missed it recently.

"Thanks." I took my plate and sat at the table. He took the seat across from me, and started shoveling in the pizza almost immedietly. He finished within five minutes. Me I took a little longer and actually enjoyed my pizza.

"I'm going to go take some food to Louis and see how he's doing." I rinsed my plate off quick before grabbing a can of chicken noodle soup from the cupboard.

"Okay sounds good." Niall said with a nod still sitting at the table.

I dumped the contents of the can into a microwavable bowl and popped it in. I gathered some crackers and a spoon while it cooked, well technically speaking it was only getting warmed up, but whatever.

Once it beeped I grabbed it, and dipped the spoon into it. I placed the crackers on a small plate and took them upstairs along with a can of soda that I balanced on my arm.
I managed to make it upstairs without dropping anything, and I headed over to his door. It was cracked open a bit, and I gave it a nudge with my foot it swung open and I stepped in.

Louis was laying in bed snoring softly the trashcan was beside his bed and there was a horrible smell coming from it hinting that he had probably not kept down his breakfast. I set the food on his nightstand and picked up the trashcan. Holding it a good distance away from me I carried it into the bathroom and flicked on the lights once I had closed the door. I took out the bag and tied it before placing a new bag inside.

I placed the trashcan back by his bedside and took the full bag down the stairs and out to the trashcan that was outside. I threw it in and quickly shut the lid to keep the stink contained. I went back upstairs and shook him gently to wake him up.

"Mmmm." He murmured blinking his eyes half open.

"Hey Lou I brought you some food." I said softly gesturing to the nightstand.

"Hey Jess." He croaked, his throat sounded dry so I handed him a bottle of water that had already been on the nightstand. He took a few sips before setting it back down." Thanks."

"Of course." I handed him the bowl and he started slurping down the soup right away. He was finished within a few minutes and I took the empty bowl from him and replaced it with the plate of crackers.

He munched quietly on those for a bit before setting the unfinished plate on the nightstand.

"Thanks, I think im good for now."

"Okay, I'll be back in a bit to check on you. Now rest up." I gathered everything except the soda and went back downstairs.

I cleaned up the few dishes that were uncleaned and put the crackers back in the bag. By the time I was finished Niall had come over to help. I told him I was already done and he left to go watch TV.

I left and my absence went unnoticed by Niall. I slipped away to my room and shut the door. I looked at the picture of me and my mom and sighed. If only she was here. She would say something that would make it better, I know that for certain.

"Honey!" Mom yelled coming in the door. She looked around frantically, but missed me crouching in the corner shivering.

"Mom." I said barely above a whisper hoping Dad wouldn't hear.

"Sweetie. Are you okay? What did he do?" She ran over and flicked the lights on. A sharp intake of her breath was heard as her eyes ran over my face.

"Mom, he hit me." I whimpered standing up and falling into her waiting arms.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left, I thought he wouldn't come home today." She apologized like it was her fault.

I started crying at that, and she held me and rubbed my back. I looked up and met her eyes instead of pity I saw anger. Anger towards my messed up father who beat me then acted as if nothing was wrong.

"Hey listen to me sugar, right after I change we'll go out for dinner and ice cream. He won't do this to you again I promise." She brushed my hair back from my face, and kissed my forehead." Thank you for staying strong dear I know it's hard, but you have been my little warrior."

I smiled, her little warrior. I wasn't worthless like my father kept telling me. I was her precious daughter who deserved the world, and for that moment I believed her. She was right I didn't deserve this, and soon we would be free of him. Just me and her, partners in crime.


The memory made me happy and sad at the same time. She was always a rock for me, and never failed to remind me how important I was to her. If only she was still here.

What would she say to me right now with everything I'd been through?

Would she be ashamed of my relationship with Niall?

I wish she was here.... If only.

I hope you liked it! Its not much but I've been soooo busy so it's all I could write... Welpp see you guys next week!
Love you!

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