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I got tagged by AnaBanana013
So for this if I tag you you have to
*13 facts about you
*answer these 13 questions
*make 13 more questions
* and tag 13 more people (it doesn't have to be quite 13)

So this is 13 facts about me!!

1. I'm pretty short only 5 foot
2. I love singing!!!!
3. I love doing makeup
4. I have really cool hazel eyes
5. I have a lot of pets
6. I don't have any cousins or aunts and uncles
7. I'm the second oldest of my family
8. I have long hair down to my waist
9. I have four siblings three sisters and one brother
10. I'm 13
11. I love gymnastics
12. I love dancing randomly
13. I don't have glasses and my eyes are better than 20/20

Questions that AnaBanana013 asked me

1. Do you play any instruments?
Yes the piano and guitar

2. Have any siblings?
Yes four!!!

3. Are you insane like me?
Hahahaha yessss!!!!

4. Favorite singer?
Omg soo hard!!! I like so many hmm probably Shawn mendes and Ed Sheeran. Favorite band is 1D and coldplay

5. One thing you want to do before you die?
Meet my internet friends!

6. Favorite book?
Don't have one I like a lot!!!!

7. Favorite song?
At the moment 'A little to much' by Shawn Mendes!

8. Do you like chocolate?
No... I loveeee chocolate!!!😍😍😍😍

9. Celebrity crush?
Louis Tomlinson!!!

10. Favorite wattpad book?
I don't have one I like soooo many!!

11. Favorite genre of music?

12. Favorite eye color?
Sea blue!!!😍😍😍👌👌

13. Do you have any new questions?

Here are my 13 questions for you to answer!!!

Do you like singing?
Do you wear foundation on a daily basis?
Do you like makeup?
Do you have any siblings?
Have you ever been to a concert?
If you had one wish what would you wish for?
If you have siblings do they annoy you sometimes?
Whats your favorite store?
Which to prefer pants or shorts?
Do you like dresses?
Do you like where you live?
If you could move anywhere where would you move?
Have you ever kissed anyone?

Okay so I'm tagging

To do the challenge!!!!!
Tag backs are allowed!!!

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