Chapter 3

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So here's the next chapter hope you like. Xx

I woke up and looked around, I was in my room. The sun was shining brightly through the window. I sat up wondering how I got from the couch downstairs, to my room. One of the boys probably carried me, I shivered jut thinking of one of them touching me. I mean they were sweet and all it's not like I disliked them, but I had only known them for a day. I stretched my arms above my head and slowly stood up.

I quickly showered and put a pair of Nike shorts and a tie dye T-shirt. I had like a million of them because it was something I enjoyed making. I slipped on my red flip flops and put on some mascara and eyeliner. Then I went downstairs for breakfast.           

I went to the kitchen to see what they had for breakfast. Niall, of course, was already eating.

"Hi Jessica." He said or at least that's what I think he said he kind of mumbled it around his mouthful of food.

"Hi." I said quietly. I went around and opened the fridge.

"Hey love I already made you something." Niall said more clearly.

I turned around he was holding a plate of eggs and toast. He handed it to me and I went and sat two chairs away from him.

"Love why are you sitting so far away I don't bite." He said jokingly I didn't laugh obviously it was kind of literal because I kind of was afraid he would bite you could say or hurt me.
I shrugged and he left it at that leaving me to eat my breakfast in peace, well that was until Louis woke up and came downstairs.

"HI EVERYBODY  LOUIS IN THE HOUSE.' He yelled. I winced I hated it when people yelled. It only brought back bad memories that I'd rather forget. Niall must have noticed because he looked at me sympathetically.

"Louis you don't have to yell all the time you're scaring Jessica."Niall said throwing me another sympathetic look.

"Okay sorry Jess I'll stop yelling." Louis said smiling at me.

"Okay thanks."  It probably wouldn't last but at least he was trying for my benefit and I was grateful for that.

"Do you want to go to an amusement park?" Harry said I hadn't even realized he was downstairs and he startled me.

I shrugged I was only at an amusement once before with my boyfriend and he forced me on every ride even though I didn't really like them.

"Aww come on please?" Niall said looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Fine." I said smiling.

"Yah!" Niall said happily.

"What have you guys planned without me now?" Liam asked coming down the stairs, his hair was wet so I assumed he just got out of the shower.

"AN AMUSE-oh sorry no yelling right." Louis said  embarrassed. " I mean an amusement park." He said more quietly.

"Ok." Liam said raising an eyebrow at me because Louis stopped yelling in the middle of the sentence.

I shrugged and he looked away.

***at the Park***

"So we are splitting up in pairs of two we will meet at the entrance at 12:00 for lunch. " Liam said and everybody nodded.

"I call Harry." Louis said going over and jumping on his back.

"I texted Sophia and she said she can come so I'll go with her when she gets here. So that leaves you and Niall." Liam said.

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