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James's POV

I stood in Studio A, taking everything in for the last time. After winning Internationals, I had rejoined the band again with Shane, Levi and Alex (a/n: idk what their names are so im leaving them as they are). We had performed a few gigs here and there and long story short - we had been spotted and offered to be the supporting act for a band who were touring the UK. We had, of course, accepted the offer but it meant that I would have to leave the studio. It was going to be weird not seeing A-Troupe everyday. I had grown up with most of them and they had become like a second family to me. I was going to miss everyone. A lot.

I had first learned to dance at The Next Step and, even though I wasn't at the studio anymore, it played a big part in my life and always would - it was my home.

It's also where I first met Eldon and West, and then eventually Hunter, Max and Noah. They were my bros and I was going to miss our banter, our similar sense of humour and just them in general - even if I didn't want to admit it.

I was proud of everything I had achieved at the studio.. Well apart from one thing. Being the player. I had dated a few, okay maybe a lot, of girls here but it usually wasn't for that long - 2 or 3 days at the most, a week if they were lucky - and that's how I earned my reputation as a 'ladies man'. I kinda regretted it, but at the same time I didn't - it's how I gained all my relationship knowledge. But being the player had stopped me from getting attention from the one girl I actually wanted. (Well I had gotten her attention but not in a good way.) Riley despised me, or so she said, and shot me down every time I tried to flirt with her but all that, made me like her even more. I had always liked her but I knew that Emily wouldn't let us date. (In the end she actually supported our relationship and even helped us get back together.) I was desperate to get rid of my reputation and prove to Ri that I had changed.  Eventually it all paid off, and she agreed to be mine. We had a few bumps along the way but here we were 3 years later, stronger than ever. Riley was honestly the love of my life and I was going to miss her more than anyone. It was going to be hard saying goodbye to her, even if it was only for a few months.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps making their way into the studio. I looked up and saw A-Troupe walking through the door, a sad look of their faces. I knew they were going to miss me, there was no one who could say 'don't even worry about it' like me - it was my catchphrase after all - and I had been in the winning Regionals, Nationals and Internationals teams which kind of made me a key team member. Well.. Not anymore..

"James, we're really gonna miss you bro." West said, as the team as the team gathered around me.

"Yeah, who is gonna give me relationship advice now?" Eldon sighed, looking at Thalia.

"And me.." Noah added.

"Guys you'll be fine without me." I laughed.

But I honestly didn't know how those two were gonna cope without me. They asked for advice about everything. Basically they had seen me and Ri in action - accidentally walking in on us multiple times - so they knew I was an expert.

"James when your band gets really famous..." Richelle, who was replacing me in A-Troupe, started.. "Can you save us front row seats at your concerts?"

I laughed again. "Maybe I'll think about it."

"Please please please." She begged.

I sighed and gave in. "I might not be able to get everyone front row seats but I'll try my best."

"Are you gonna save the best seat for your baby girl?" Eldon teased.

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