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thankyou tnsxjiley for helping me w/ how to start this. if there's any mistakes you can all blame unstoppablejiley  bc she proof read it. sorry that this is so long, i had no idea how it happened.. whoops

James's POV

I looked around the hotel room anxiously, making sure that Eldon and West weren't around before opening my suitcase, rummaging around for the small black box that I had hidden a few days ago. Being away from Riley for so long had made me think a lot more about our relationship. Or more specifically, the future of our relationship. We had been dating for 3, nearly 4, years and my family, even those who I wasn't as close with, had pointed out how serious we were getting (they also noticed how in love with her I was but everyone knew that, so it didn't come as a surprise to me.) After our winning Internationals duet, the two of us had become nearly inseparable and everyone had said that we looked kind of lost when we weren't with each other - even members of Lost and Found (most of them I still don't know the names of) told me I looked happier when I had a certain blonde Next Step Studio Head with me.

It had been a long few weeks without my girl. I had gotten so used to living with her in the apartment we had bought together a few months back. The boys had kept me company though and it had been great to spend time with them in a new country - they were my bros after all and England had been pretty good (shame about the weather though).. But they weren't Riley. Nothing could make up for the fact that she wasn't there with me. She wasn't just my girlfriend, but also my best friend and I missed her more than she could imagine. It was hard to not wake up next to her everyday - I woke up to Eldon and West snoring instead - but it was hard without her full stop. She was my entire world and I couldn't live without her.

That got me thinking...

I knew that I loved Riley more than anything and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. So I thought why wait? Yes, we were still young but that didn't matter. We were in love (more in love than most people) so why would anyone want to complain about us making a commitment to each other so young?

So a few days ago, while the boys and I were out in London, I went into a shop and, after making sure they weren't looking, I bought it. A ring. But it wasn't just an ordinary ring. It wasn't even a promise ring.. It was an engagement ring. I had spent nearly all my money on that but it was worth it. She was worth it. Our relationship was worth it. We were ready for this...


At least I thought we were...

"Yo James, what's that bro?" A voice asked making me snap out of my thoughts immediately. I looked up to find the source of the voice and noticed that West had appeared in the room, followed by Eldon. The two of them gestured to my hands which held the ring box that I had forgotten to put back in my suitcase.

"Don't even worry about it.' I shrugged, hiding it behind my back. I tried to play it cool but they weren't having any of it.

"What's in the box bro?" Eldon asked, trying to take it out of my hands.

"N... nothing... it... it's nothing." I stuttered, beginning to grow nervous. They couldn't find out.

"James it's clearly something, why aren't you telling us?" West asked. "It's just a box."

Just a box? Of course. The boys didn't know that the box, and it's contents, could either make or break my relationship. It would help me ask the most important question of my life. It determined my future. So no it wasn't just a box. But I couldn't tell them that..

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