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Name credit - Jiley_Obsessed 🙌🏼

Because Season 1 was cute af

-Some parts will be the same as the show but others will be different..

James's POV

I locked eyes with Riley, who looked like she was broken, before following my mom out of Studio A. I felt incredibly guilty by letting her, and the team, down like this. Well at least it was only for 2 weeks until I improved my math grades...  right?

But what happened if they didn't improve? (I didn't even want to think of the consequences...) I wouldn't get to go to the studio anymore, I wouldn't get to go to regionals with A-Troupe, I wouldn't get to joke around with West, Eldon and Daniel in the middle of rehearsals (and make animals noises to annoy the E-Girls) but the worst part was that I wouldn't get to see Riley everyday...

The two of us had become close, especially after we had helped Michelle dethrone Emily as dance captain, and we were really good friends. But the problem was that I was one of her only friends and when I left she would be alone. Even though she got on with everyone, well nearly everyone, in A-Troupe she never saw them outside of rehearsals.

Since the E-Girls had kicked her out, she had started hanging around with me (well more like she was forced because she had no one else.) We went to Squeezed together pretty much everyday after dance and at first she was hesitant because she knew about my "player past" and my laid back, chilled attitude, but then she began to loosen up. I started seeing a different side to her, one that I had never seen before. She didn't act like this around anyone else, not with Michelle or Chloe or even her sister (then again.. she wasn't even speaking to Emily) but only with me and it was nice to see a change to the usually serious, focused girl that everyone saw in rehearsals

West, Eldon and Daniel were always surprised when I hung out with Riley instead of them. West (Eldon was way too obsessed with Emily to make comments about me) had laughed and joked, threatening to tell her that she was my latest victim and to watch out around me. And he very nearly did...

The truth was... I liked her. A lot.  And if West had told her those lies it was have ruined any chance I had with her. But now it didn't really matter.. I didn't care if he told her.. It wouldn't matter anyway.. I was leaving the studio and I knew I wasn't coming back...

"James!" I heard a voice shout behind me. I froze.. It sounded familiar, almost too familiar, but I thought I was just imagining it.. So I kept walking.

"James!" The voice shouted again. I turned, spotting a tired looking Riley running after me. I gave her a small smile, which she returned, as she caught up.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked me. Well more like she asked my mom. But she just smiled and nodded, giving her approval. After she finished embarrassing me, which does not look good in front of the girl you like, she left, leaving Riley and I alone.. Finally.

"Listen, I'm so sorry bout that whole math thing." I started, staring at the ground as a way to avoid eye contact with her. The guilt was already too much for me and if I dared to look up, the sadness on her face would make me feel ten times worse.

"I know." She sighed, clearly ,not knowing what to say..

"I don't know what to do. Tell me, tell me Riley. What am I supposed to do?" I asked, almost begging and pleading her for an answer. At this point I would do almost anything.

She sighed, thinking for a second before finally speaking. "I have a proposition for you.." She started. "If you get 70% in your next math exam, no less than a 70%.. I will.. go on a date with you.." She said slowly, almost like she was unsure. But I didn't care about that...

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