Who's That Girl?

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this is actual crap so just a warning, it probably makes no sense. lol i tried and also it's quite long so sorry.

Riley's POV

A mix of emotions rushed through me as the group (Michelle, Emily, Steph, Thalia, Giselle, Amanda, Chloe, Cierra and I) stepped into the concert venue. Mostly guilt and regret. I had ended things with James in quite a bad way and I felt really guilty about it - Luke told me that I had "broken his heart" after we had gone our separate ways. Some happiness. The boys had worked so hard - they deserved all their success. And maybe, just maybe, a little bit of jealousy. Now that he was famous, James could date any girl that he wanted - I had already accepted that he would never take me back, not in a million years - but it's not like he was going to spot me in the crowd anyway - there were too much screaming fans. And if that wasn't enough, I also had a headache - the band had a loud, packed show. That though, wasn't unusual - they were really popular now. The tickets for their show had sold out only hours after being released - it almost made me wonder how Emily managed to get ours. But never mind that, we were here now and that's all that mattered.

It had taken a lot of persuading from Em, and the rest of the girls, to get me to go to this concert. They had told me to ignore the fact that James was performing, and just relax because it was supposed to be a fun, girly night out..

But I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't face him.. Especially not after how I had ended things between us....

"Yo Riles!" James smirked as he walked into the hotel room we were sharing while the band were on tour.

"Hey." I replied, focussing back on the magazine I was reading before he came in.

"So I was thinking.." He started as he climbed on the bed, so he was sitting - more like lying - next to me, and made himself comfortable.

"You? Thinking? Wow that's a first." I sighed sarcastically.

"Ha. So funny Riles." He chuckled.

I half smiled at him before going back to the page I was reading. James frowned, clearly annoyed that I wasn't giving him any attention, and took the magazine out of my hands, throwing it on the floor.

"Hey! I was reading that, don't be so rude." I told him, reaching down to pick it up but he stopped me.

"As I was saying, I was thinking that maybe we could go out tonight.. What do you say?" He asked.

"Oh with the band? Sure why not?" I replied.

"No. Not with the band, just us." He smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. But I pushed his hand away..

"Oh really just us? Wow that hasn't happened in a long time? Didn't you say that last time.. And the time before that? Wait.. Yes you did. You had to cancel because there was an emergency rehearsal you really needed to go to." All the anger I felt built up inside me and I just exploded. "You couldn't miss one practise to spend time with your girlfriend, who has been so supportive and has put up with these emergency last minute rehearsals. Your girlfriend who has basically given up her life so that she could be with you while you're on tour with your band. What am I actually doing with my life? Nothing. I'm just a pathetic girl who sits around and waits for you 24/7." I shouted.

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