03- Amazing In Everything

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I walk hand in hand with Harry. We were at the mall trying to find me a cute dress to wear to a big event that Harry has invited me to.

"I'm never going to find one. It's just no use. I'll just stay home and not go. I mean I don't really need to go anyway." I say shrugging my shoulders and put the dress back on the rack.

"Don't say that babe. There are tons of pretty dresses here and I think they all look good on you. Plus I really want you to go with me and be by my side. I need you there."

I roll my eyes and walk to another dress that catches my eyes.

"Try this one on. It's beautiful!" Harry says pointing at the some one I was looking at.

I nod and grab the dress, walking to the dressing room Harry sits outside and waits for me to show him what I look like in it. I slide it on and look at myself in the mirror. I actually like this one.

"Does this look good?" I ask Harry, walking out of the dressing room.

Harry looks up, "Yes babe. It looks amazing on you but then again, you look amazing in everything."

I smile at his sweet words. "Thank you baby."

I walk back into the dressing room and change back into my clothes.

Harry was kind enough to by the dress for me even though it was 300 dollars. I thanked him and we left hand in hand again. Both with a smile on our faces.

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