05- Secret Love

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I stood in the green room of the building Harry was in. The boys were doing an interview and I got to come along and be bored but I didn't mind because I love seeing what Harry does and how he enjoys is all.

I had to be introduced as one of their friends because management wouldn't let me and Harry live our lives as a couple in the public eye, which I hated. It was always so hard for the both of us.

I sat on the sofa next to Lou and Lottie. There was a tv in the room so we were able to watch what was going on.

"So Harry, it's rumored that you have a girlfriend. Is that true?" The interviewer asked.

"You can't ask Harry that." Management said loudly as Harry just sat there awkwardly, "You will have to skip that question and edit that out."

I sunk down in the sofa when Lottie looked over at me with a frown. She knew I hated that. Only the main people that worked with the boys knew about us.

"You okay?" She asks me.

"No. I'm so sick of this bull shit." I started tearing up. I honestly just wanted to leave.

"I'm going outside for a minute." I said as I got up and walked out the door.

I stayed outside for a while just sitting on the curb crying. It was so hard for me to stay in this relationship but I knew I wanted too try everything because Harry was my everything. My best friend. My boyfriend of six months.

"What are you doing out here?" I hear a familiar voice come up behind me.

"I'm sick of management. I'm sick of keeping everything a secret." I look up at Harry and he puts his hands on my face wiping my tears away.

"Me too babe but it's my job. I can't help it." Harry said lowly looking into my eyes.

"It's just not fair. Liam and Sophia get to go public with their relationship. Why can't we? Am I that ugly?" I look down at the ground, tearing up more.

"Hey. Babe please don't say that. You aren't ugly, you're far from it. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Don't let yourself down."

I look up at Harry as he wipes my tears away again but I just look into his eyes and not say a word.

"I will try to talk to management tonight about it. Please don't be sad babe. I love you." Harry kisses my nose.

"We should go in. Don't want anyone catching us." I laugh and pull him into the building.

I wasn't sure how talking to management was going to go but I was hopeful.

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