Blackmail's a Bitch

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(3rd POV)

Twyn began to panic as she began to realize what she'd just done. Thoughts of regret and sadness were the only thoughts left. She needed to find a way to get Jack out of the base in order to deliver him to her employers.

Since she knew he had Sam, he wouldn't be hurt or unconscious for long. Twyn had to decide on what to do. Getting him out without being noticed was her number one priority. It was going to be difficult with all the cameras and agents around.

She pulled out her phone once again and dialed the dreaded numbers of her employers. It rung three times before they picked up.

"I've done it. I can't get him nor I out without being noticed. You should teleport him. I have your device." It was silent on the other end. Nothing but the slight tone of static was heard. "Sir? Are you there?" Her voice slowly became shaken with fear for what could've happened.

"Yes, Ms. Twyn. You've done well. However, your sister has escaped my custody. I no longer know where she is. You can activate the device when you're ready to send him." His voice sounded so cold. Almost like he couldn't care less about what had happened to her sister. This man was making her tense up with anger.

"You told me that she would be with you until I did this! You fucking bastard! I literally talked to you about her not even ten minutes ago! How the fuck could she escape that quick?!" Twyn fumed with rage and hatred as she realized that she'd been tricked into doing this. They never had her sister. For all she knew, she was dead in their home. "You lied to me?! Just so that I would do this for you?! You sick motherfucker!" She slammed her phone shut and threw it across her room. It shattered when it hit the wall.

Twyn crouched next to Jack's unmoving body and attempted to throw him over her shoulder. It was much harder then she thought. He seemed smaller then he really was. With a few struggled huffs of breath, she managed to put his arm around her neck and support his body with her other hand.

She struggled down the hallway towards the hospital wing of the seemingly never ending underground building. A few guards stopped to help get Jack to the emergency room. With them, Twyn was able to move faster to get in then out again. She didn't want to have to answer their questions. For the truth was too much for even her to handle.


(Jacks POV)

I awoke to a burning in my stomach region. I looked up and saw a few women dressed as nurses doing something in the corner of the small room we were in. I blinked once before sitting up. The burning in my stomach grew with every inch. I grunted and looked down at it. The sheets were stained red with blood. I think I know where it came from. I lifted the sheet to see my shirt cut through and an irritated scar.

I gulped and turned to stand up. But before I could the nurses turned around with shocked faces. My blood ran cold. I wanted to leave, though I'm not sure I can do that as easily now. Great.

"Uh. Hi, ladies. I'm just gonna go." I stood up on my feet. They were bare. So much for not having cold feet.

"Mr. McLoughlin, you have to stay." I looked up to her. Confusion spread throughout my thoughts.


"You haven't been examined yet. Plus we still have to dissect you. Wouldn't want our studies to go to waste now would we?" She gave me the most evil smile ever then turned around and picked up a needle full of blue liquid.

"Holy fuck. No thank you!" I ran to the door and slid if open before sprinting through the emergency room. The glass doors that separated the hospital wing from the rest of the building were closed and probably locked to make sure I couldn't leave.

This wouldn't slow me down. I just had to run fast enough to break through the glass. It shouldn't be too hard. I braced myself for the impact by shielding my face with my arms. The glass shattered around me along with leaving several if not thousands of tiny cuts along my arms and feet. And maybe a few on my tail too but I couldn't worry about that now.

The glass went everywhere so it was hard to not step on any. What sucks is that I've broken several windows and mirrors this past month that its almost unnerving about how little cuts I've received. However, I am probably a really fast healer so it makes sense.

I kept running to my room. Only to pass Twyn's. Why had she done this? And why wasn't she behind bars? Or in cuffs? I barged into her room only to find her on her bed with her legs in between her arms staring at a painting with teary eyes. Me being my extremely soft self, decided to confront and try to understand rather then cuss her out. Even though that's what I really want to do.

"Twyn?" She turned her towards me. Her eyes filled with even more tears then before. "No no no. Don't cry." I kneeled down in front of her as she buried he head deeper in to the depths of her arms. "Twyn? What happened?" I say up on her bed and put my arm on her shoulder. "Twyn?" I asked once again before she lifted her head up to face me.

"I-I tried to do something I shouldn't have done. Please forgive me! Please f-forgive me!" She cried even harder.

"I do. Twyn, I do." I rubbed her arm with comfort.

"I thought that o-once you were delivered, I would get to see my sister again. But h-he didn't know w-where she was! I bet he never had her in the first place! It was all just a big set up so that you'd be in their hands and I'd be arrested! I'm so sorry, Jack!" Blackmail's a bitch.

I understand. If I were in her situation, I would've done the exact same thing. Twyn, I forgive you.

Hopefully all this will work out as it should. But if not, I just hope that Twyn and her sister will be safe. Even though she just betrayed me. She's got a good heart. Though I'm still not exactly sure why I couldn't see her with my infraviolet vision. I don't think now is the right to ask though.

"Twyn, you're gonna be ok. I'm really sorry you've had to endure this much pain and betrayal." I whispered softly.

"I betrayed you, Jack. Doesn't that make me a bad person?"

"It depends on what you do after you betray that person. You chose to save me rather then turn me in. That not only means you betrayed me but you betrayed your employer too. So no. You're not a bad person. Also, did you know about the nurse in there?"

"No, why?"

"I think they wanted to dissect me."

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