Dark Walls

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Mark and I have been running around in this jungle of abandoned homes and businesses. Besides all the dead bodies lining the streets or more like dirt roads, I'd say pretty much everything stayed alive or mutated to whatever the hell they turned into. I have no idea. All I know is that the palm trees look nothing like palm trees. And the fucking underbrush is no longer green or any natural colour at that.

"Mark, are you alright?" He stopped abruptly and shoved his hand in front of me to stop me from moving forward. I still fell forward. Into a 'nest' of sleeping creatures. Luckily I didn't disturb any of them. "Fuck." I cursed under my breath.

I quickly attempted to fly myself of there. I made it up about half way before I could no longer breath. Because of working my body too much.

Mark kneeled at the opening and tried to reach down and grab my hand or something. I pushed one last time trying to steady my pounding heartbeat. Mark reached a little farther as I reached out to him. With wide eyes he pulled back as I was pulled down. Panic coursed through my thoughts. And In order to ensure Marks safety, "Get out of here!" I shouted as I felt it's sharp claws dig into my skin.

A sickening crack echoed along the dark walls. My head burst with an unbearable pain that left me motionless and soundless laying against the filthy ground. I know exactly what happened.

My eyes drifted along the slowly fading walls. A slightly glowing figure was in view. It started to weave through the crowd of creatures taking them down one by one each with a swift flick of their arm. My head was buzzing and it was becoming impossible to stay awake.

Sam couldn't do anything at the moment. Mainly because of an infection. An infection of what though? He hasn't stopped screaming D3X-1 throughout my head. I don't know what he means.

Before I closed my weary eyes, a blurry face appeared in my line of vision. Whoever this was, they better know what the fuck they're doing.

I attempted to talk but all that came out was a weird gurgling sound. And then I realized I was choking on my own blood. The person sat beside me and held my shaking hand. I calmly gulped and closed my eyes.


(3rd POV)

Mark watched as a whiz of red shot through the middle of the creatures just as Jack had fallen down into the pit. He took it as a sign of hope. He held his breath waiting for a sign of Jack coming back up to him.

The last child of Bausotronio lay dying in a pit filled with rage filled Slelvect who want nothing more then to spill his blood. Since he refused to help cure them. Though before they could tear his limb body apart, a red blur smacked into a few of them causing them to go into an alerted mind set.

Mark watched as the glowing figure knocked out several Slelvect off their feet. Some might even have died. But nothing was standing in the way of the blur.

"Mark!" He turned towards the voice and saw Twyn running up to him in a black training suit and a few gadgets probably given to her by Mason. "Mark!"

"Twyn?! What the hell are you doing here?!" He started to run at her. The sound of metal clanking together irritated his ears. Though running seemed almost impossible in his suit.

"Glitch was worried sick! I asked if I could come along." Mark noticed she wasn't wearing a mask. But she was human like him. So why didn't she need a mask?

"Where's your mask?" He asked in a horrified tone. Twyn stopped running towards him and glanced down at Glitch beating up a few Slelvect. "Twyn, where's your mask?" His voice became darker then before.

"I don't need one." She crossed her arms and studied the ground beneath her feet. For this land was foreign to her. "I've never needed one." She looked up at Mark's confused expression.

"What do you mean? You've never needed one?"

"Mark, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come." She turned to run away but Mark reached his hand out and grabbed her before she could get away. "Let go of me." He only tightened his grip.

"What's going on, Twyn?" He was done playing games. And she knew that.

"I'm sorry, Mark." She pulled out a gun from her belt and aimed it at his head. He let go of her arm and backed away with his hands in front of himself. "I did not want to d-do this." She looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

"Do what?" Fear rang in his voice causing Twyn to lower her gun ever so slightly. But then she put it back up to its original position in front of his face.

"T-t-this... I-i don't want to!" She dropped the gun and fell to her knees. "I'm a horrible person!" She cried into her hands. Mark didn't stop her from running away this time.

Just as she ran away, Glitch sprang up next to him carrying Jack on her shoulder covered in dark-green, gooey, blood from the Slelvect. She turned to Mark with an annoyed sigh.

"What'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything. It was all her." He said as he leaned down to pick up the gun.

"Ok. What'd she do?"

"Threatened to blow my head off. For some reason." Mark stopped. Glitch tensed as she sensed the unwelcome presence behind them.

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