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I opened my eyes only to be greeted with a girl who was holding a ridiculous looking tool thing while checking papers that were on her clipboard.

I looked around. I'm definitely not in a prison. Otherwise there would be bars and I don't think that they use chairs to strap people up. I pull against my restraints as hard as I can. That was a big mistake. They were only becoming tighter around my wrists the more I pulled. Not longer after they had become so tight that I was afraid that they would break my wrists.

The girl glanced back over at me and started to freak out. I didn't know what to do. She rushed around the room obviously trying to find something.

"Um... Mr. McLoughlin, I'm sorry but I think I've misplaced the keys to your restraints. Can you just wait here for a second?" She flashed me a smile and walked out the door without giving me a chance to say something back.

"Sure... what-ever..."

While she was out looking for a key, I was noticed by at least three other guards. I attempted to play the 'I'm asleep' game to see if they would just pass me by. Which they didn't of course. One of them walked in here with a camera while the others walked to beside me.

"Hey, Ashton. Aren't you the only one who likes Jacksepticeye?" I heard a shuffle beside me.

"Well, yeah. He helped me through some really tough times with my family. I'm just happy that I finally get to meet him. Even if he is asleep." I couldn't help but smile. This man who was helping to hold me captive was a friend.

I lifted my head up without opening my eyes. "You know I'm not really asleep, right?" The lights shined through my eyelids and I sat up straighter. I looked at the Ashton guy and his mouth was almost to the floor. I smiled even more.

"Oh... My... Fucking... God!"

"What? I'm trapped in a chair. I can't hurt you. And I don't bite. Bring it in." I was engulfed in their arms. It was really awkward but it felt safe. But it ended so fast.

"Ashton! What the Hell are you doing in here! We all told you to stay away because we knew you were a fan! Now back away... I've got to unlock the restraints before they decide to break his wrists."

"They were trying to say hi. And after how many hours I've been here they finally get a chance and all you can do is yell at them for feeling this way towards me?! What is wrong with you people? And where am I?!" I had had enough with people like her. Everyday is see a few people who just absolutely dispose and hate on others. I've learnt to deal with them but I just don't want that to happen anymore then it already has.

"Mr. McLoughlin? I'm trying to unlock your restraints so could you stop being Jack for one second?!" I scoffed at her. Jack isn't any different then myself. In fact, he is me.

"Jack is me. So basically you're telling me to stop." She stopped unlocking them and they collapsed around my hands as I heard a sickening crack. I looked behind me and she was frantically trying to claw the restraints off.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Mr. McLoughlin." I sighed. The pain in my hands wasn't that bad but I could tell they were swelling. "Aaand... There."

I pulled them free. I realized they were broken and bleeding. Geez. They did not want me to get away. For whatever reason. "Ow. Do you have like a thing that could reconstruct bone or something." I said sarcastically. Then the girl whipped a small tool from behind her belt. She held it in front of my hands and pulled the trigger. You could hear and see the bones pushing in and out of my hands to fix them. "Umm...okay then. I didn't expect that."

She smirked and pushed through the few guards. I followed her into what looked like a control center in one of those movies like Jurassic Park. My mouth fell open.

"What the hell." I whispered to no one in particular.

"Mr. McLoughlin? You need to see this." I was having a moment. And she had to ruin it. "I am Olive Earnest. I welcome you to Area 51 of the United States of these Americas. So, to get started do you have any questions?"

"Uh. Yeah. Why was I restrained to a chair?" Her entire face fell and the color that once lit up her face faded away. I could tell she probably wanted to show something.

"Could you follow me please?" I nodded. Olive really needed to show me whatever this thing is. "So I'm sure you know that you aren't human. And I'm sure you know what you a-"

"No. I don't. I was hoping since you captured me in the first place that maybe you would know." Olive shook her head but stopped after a man whispered something in her ear. Again the color drained from her face.

"You need to see this. It's the video surveillance from your room." I walked over to the desk she was at. The computer screen was locked on me. But it didn't look like me. I turned the screen to myself and stares for the longest time before a sudden explosion of green must surrounded my body and the septic eye symbol appeared in the middle of my chest. "Mr. McLoughlin? Are you alright?" I looked up at her with a shaky breath.

"You can call me Sean or Jack if you want to. Mr. McLoughlin sounds to formal." She smiled and nodded. I think she blushed too but that was none of my business.

I was done with the video so I asked if I could use the bathroom. Olive led me to one and insisted on coming in to make sure I didn't blow up this bathroom either. I'm sure that I like the idea of her knowing what happened at the airport. So I said no.

I entered a stall and stripped myself of my shirt and sure enough, the septic eye was there in the middle of my chest. Kind of like a tattoo only when I touched it, it came off my skin like a real little Sam. I smiled as the little Sam flew onto my should. It nuzzled into my neck before flying back into my chest. I was at a loss of words.

"Sean? Are you alright? I think Mark wants to see you." How could I've forgotten about Mark? Where was he? Is he alright?

"Ye-yeah. I'm fine. Could we go see him now?" I pulled my shirt back over my head. I also forgot I was wearing my beanie. It fell off onto the floor. I exited the stall and saw myself in the mirror. Things sure have changed a lot on the last few days.

I'm not sure if it's for better or for worse yet. I don't think I want to find out either.

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