The Return of Jacksepticeye

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The past few months I've been visiting Twyn's grave every week. I leave a bungle of wisteria on the gravestone because Dex told me that it was her favorite flower even if it only bloomed for less then two months.  Every time I read the words carved into the pale stone, I wish they could've written about her bravery instead of how much she'll be missed. And to make matters worse they spelt Twyn like twin.

The next time I come to visit I'm going to make another stone grave that deserves to be shown. I promise. I gently kneel down to place the wisteria and take the ones that already died.

I make my goodbye and push off the ground and spread my wings to soar above the clouds letting the wind rush past my ears. I sigh and head back to base.

It's not that far from where she's buried. Dex requested her burial that close for the convenience of traveling to it. She sure thought this through didn't she?

I land and step inside the doors. Mason developed a way to hide my true form with a chemical called D3X-1.3 which consisted of mostly D3X-1 and the rest was a chemical found in my blood. All I needed to do was wear my hat. The one that was in most of my earlier videos. And still some today. But that's besides the point.

They leave the hat on a hook near the front door for easy access and as soon as I'm inside I don't really bother anyone with my wings. Because as long as I have the hat on, it's like they aren't even there. But I can still fly.

"Hey, Sean." Olive greeted me with a smile. I smiled back and kept walking to my room.

"Jack! Wait up!" I turned around and I see Mason running down the hallway holding a long sheet of paper with a bunch of small numbers and letters that I can barely make out.

"What's up?" He starts to pant and then puts his finger up signaling he needs a minute. I wait until he's caught his breath. "You good?"

"Yeah. Um... You know how Twyn supposedly worked for another agency?"

"Uh. Yeah. She tried to kill more then once, Mason."

"Well, I've found out who she was working for. And you aren't gonna believe this." I'm extremely intrigued.

"Ok. So... who is it?" I ask.

"Sebastian's father, Mr. Kingsley. Jack, the only thing that doesn't add up, is that his father was proclaimed dead almost four years ago. And that's not even the craziest thing. Some of my co-workers said that Twyn gave them the chills kind of like the same way Mr. Kingsley had. I don't know if these things are connected but it seems very unlikely that they aren't." Ok. Now I'm beyond intrigued. I've got to get involved.

"So what you're saying is, Sebastian's father gave off the same vibe as Twyn? Why does this have anything to do with the-"

"No no no no. They are connected. You said you couldn't see Twyn when you were seeing infraviolet. Well Glitch couldn't see Mr. Kingsley when that happened to her. Connect the dots, Jack. What does it all mean?" Shit.

"Sam did say that she could've been using a cloaking device to hide her soul. But I don't think she could've come across a device like that. Another possibility is that she's a walking, breathing corpse. Which again is very-"

"Holy crap! Why didn't I think of that?! That's the reasons why I couldn't get an actual heartbeat that didn't seem artificial. And why when I cut her arm there was barely any blood. Oh, Jack! You're a genius!" He jumped up and dropped the paper then proceeded to sprint down the hallway to his lab. I have no idea what that was about.

I continue my walk to my room. I pass Glitch in the hallway and she gives me a friendly smile. Over the past month, I've learned which expressions mean the same as human expressions. And which ones would get me killed.

She even made a few jokes along the way. I remember bursting with laughter more then once at each sitting.

I reach my door and grasp the cool handle. The feeling of the smooth metal knob feels almost foreign because of how little I've come in here. I slowly turn the handle to hear a slight clicking sound and pushed the door in. I smiled as the familiar sight of my bed and desk welcomed me into my room.

I walked over to my desk and wiped my finger across the desktop screen only to have dust particles stick to them. I turn around and pick up one of my dirty shirts off the floor and run the cloth over the blank screen to clear it of dust. It's been a while.

I power up both computers and pull my chair out and sit upon it. The screen shows the last thing I did. I uploaded the art video almost two months ago. And haven't made a single new video since. But I'm about to get back into my groove. I open up my gaming folder and decide to play some sims. I adjust the lights on my desk and start up my camera.

Though as I'm doing all of this, I can't help but remember right after I'd taken Twyn home. I'd gone back to Europe to meet up with Glitch and a few other people who were helping with the damage done. I myself couldn't bear watching them tear down building after building until I saw a young girl no older then fifteen stand up from the rubble with a gas mask covering most of her face. I remember walking over to her and reaching my hand out while asking if she wanted to join me. She just shook her head and bolted right out of there. I can't help but wonder who she was. But for some reason, she seemed so fucking familiar.

I end my thought and clear my head, ready to create some entertainment. I pull my headphones on over my hat and hit record on my camera.

"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME BACK TO THE SIMS 4!" I smiled. Today I'm going to make a lot of people proud. 

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