Chapter 58

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He didn't use his hands. With a hard glare burning on the healer, the first magical blast against Ilock was absorbed within a shimmer of light. An invisible heavy weight suddenly pressed against Klair. The healer was using his own magic to force him down. It pushed him forward to lean over his legs on the mats. He strained in an effort to lift the force, but it was too powerful. Klair concentrated upon Ilock's foot. The mental blast became reality

The healer went tumbling.

The weight on Klair broke and he sat up in a fury. The healer remained sprawled on the floor groaning, fingers splayed across the floor boards.

Did I hurt him?

Suddenly uncertain, Klair sat up and raised both hands with fingers spread. He didn't trust Ilock. He would blast him through the hole if necessary. He had to stop him but not kill him. As Klair sat debating what to do, a small stream of warm water suddenly began to trickle down Klair's back. In an instant, his magic was yanked away. He cried out in pain as multiple muscle spasms took over, contorting his body. Klair gasped as his body convulsed. Muscles clenched and Klair locked his jaw to prevent any outcry as his body tossed about the bed. During one of the times his back slammed against the wall, he briefly saw one of the small pots levitating directly above him with a small trickle of water still pouring down upon him.

Spasms increased as pain clenched his legs and arms.

Who needed Sheenay when there was his syphon to take away his powers? Ilock was apparently aware of how warm or hot water took his magic. His body continued to jerk about. The Seedling would have toppled out of bed had Ilock's magic not kept him restrained on the mats.

Ilock instantly stopped groaning and slowly stood up with a grim look on his face. "We really need to get your anger issues under control and this wouldn't be necessary."

Klair threw up.

The wizard watched as his body continued to jostle about. "You will not win this contest of wills, let me assure you," Ilock stated calmly. He stepped close and leaned down to rest a comforting hand on Klair's twitching arm. The spasms continued to jerk Klair's body. Ilock's His voice softened. "It was necessary to stop you before you tried something you'd later regret. A wizard's life cannot be private Klair. Since you're not much of a conversationalist, I needed an alternative means to learn of your past. We don't have enough Embel. We need to better understand who you are if we are to ever get along."

Klair gasped in pain. "I Ha—"

Ilock interrupted, "Yes, you hate me." He forced a smile. "That's the beginning of a wonderful working relationship."

The healer waited until the spasms finally began to lessen leaving Klair gasping. "I'll get a change of bedding, a fresh shirt and water to clean you up. Relax if you can."

The healer exited the room.

Klair clenched his eyes shut against the pain. He was panting as his body continued to jerk about. He hadn't paid attention to the water pots. If Ilock was friends with his father he'd obviously know of Klair's aversion to hot water.

He didn't have the magic to escape tonight.


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