Chapter 9

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On mid-six day that Klair arrived to the shed positioned at the lower levels of the terraced gardens.

"I thought a bunch of us were going to help patch this roof?" Klair said as he met Loginna as the door to the community tool shed. He looked around, but there was no one else in sight. I should get back to my shift at the community fields.

She said nothing but pulled him inside the two room structure. The rooms were still musty from the long winter and would have been dark with all the shutters closed but several candles lined the shelves. She led him to the far back to the second room where he saw several blankets strung across the floor. Remaining silent, she stepped close and hugged him. She held him lining her legs next to his as they stood together. She nibbled his neck.

She didn't want to work, she... It didn't take long for him to respond.

He carefully kissed her on the lips and hugged her, feeling her softness press against him. She made him feel so good. I can be tender. I'll show her how I can care. He froze when she took his hands and placed them on her hips. He lifted them, stepping around to her back and caressed her middle just above the waist, trailing kisses on her shoulder.

She took his hands, kissed the palms, making him smile and once more placed them on her hips. Loginna's invitation was clear, to touch her below the belt.

He froze, hands resting at the curvature of her body. It was taboo. An unmarried couple was prohibited from making any physical contact below the belt. Many girls had elaborate ink designs painted on their waists. They were usually drawn during their womanhood initiation.

Prostitutes known as Kindred worked below the belt, but that was their occupation and they took Barren to prevent pregnancy.

He stepped back, lifting his hands. His heart was pounding with new anticipation.

How could his mother object? There were times when couples went below the belt. The girl was then known as unbelted or a Sheet. There was mandatory marriage if a child was a result. Klair knew from his mother's friends that Barren was shared and sold outside of the Kindred circle. For times like this, he suspected. This was a clear invitation and Loginna was the instigator. She wants to do it.

How long was a guy expected to wait?

As he stood before her open armed, she stepped forward and nuzzled him, her body close. She chuckled against his neck. 'It's the quiet ones you need to watch," she murmured.

Tarrant was the talker, not him. He was but one more knot to her cord. She must be taking Barren if the rumors were true that she'd taken turns with other guys. How long had she been at him, slowly carefully drawing him in? She pressed closer.

I won't hurt her. We can finally—

Her breath quickened, apparently the tingling she talked about before whenever she touched him was affecting her. She asked him once why he tingled. He said he didn't.

"You do."

Now his voice turned husky. "After this, will we be a couple?"

She wiggled against him. "We'll couple."

His heart quickened at the close proximity. She pressed her knee forward. "That's not what I meant. You—" As she made contact he lost all thought. I want her! Want her! Want her! Blood rushing, their kissing intensified as their hands began to wander.

Loginna smiled in silent victory.

She seemed to thrill where ever he touched her. He couldn't understand why. She placed his palm on her chest. She held it there. Her smirk reminded him of Drace's smirk when successfully getting Klair to react to his taunts.

Her look rankled him.

Klair imagined such a smirk from Thorn if Klair were to ever show up at Taaken city. She was manipulating him.

His mother's words came rushing to his mind, "Whose in control, Klair?"

He forced himself to step back. He pulled his hand away and gripped her arms tightly as he fought a mix of desires. He didn't want to step back. His heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst. And other parts of his body were—

"We need to talk, Loginna. Neither of us is corded. If it gets out that we've coupled it'll—"

She snorted. "You want to talk? Now?" She rolled her eyes. Her hands began wandering lower. "I hadn't thought you'd turn into talker when you have a chance to—"

"They'll call you a Sheet."

Loginna shoved him back. "I am not!"

Klair gripped her shoulders wanting to pull her close. They were so pliable under his touch. They shouldn't... couldn't... Klair stepped further back, trying to suppress the heat of his body but she reached out and drew them back together.

Her voice was hot against his ear. "With what your mother once was, who her friends are... you of all people dare to judge!"

"If we do this, will we be permanent couple?"

Loginna stiffened.

Body throbbing with need, blood rushed through his ears. He noted her fury quickly suppressed—just another knot on her cord. Loginna suddenly reminded him of the Kindred Ravenna. She pressed herself closer. She felt so good... against him. If they did it, it would not be by Klair being played. He briefly thought to Tarrant's words back at Maken's house.

Klair gently pushed her away. "No, I won't unbelt you. I'm sorry."

She stood open mouthed.

Klair ran.


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